Are you a proud Betta fish owner looking to provide your finned friend with some mental stimulation and entertainment? Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are intelligent creatures that can benefit from interactive playtime.

In this article, we will explore the world of Betta fish toys and discuss what they like to play with, as well as offer some DIY ideas for those who prefer to get creative.
Understanding Betta Fish Behavior
Before we delve into the types of toys that Betta fish enjoy, it’s essential to understand their behavior and preferences. In their natural habitat, Betta fish are highly active and curious.
They love exploring their surroundings, hiding in plants, and chasing prey. Therefore, providing them with toys helps mimic their natural environment and engages their hunting instincts.
When choosing toys for your Betta fish, consider their preferences for movement, colors, and objects that mimic their prey. It’s important to remember that each Betta fish may have slightly different preferences, so it’s worth experimenting with different toys to see which ones your fish gravitates towards.
Best Toys for Betta Fish
Now that we understand the behavior of Betta fish let’s explore the different types of toys that they enjoy:
1. Live Plants and Aquarium Decorations
One of the most natural and visually appealing options for Betta fish toys is live plants and aquarium decorations. Not only do live plants add beauty to the tank, but they also provide hiding spots and create a more natural environment for your fish.
Betta fish also love resting and exploring plants such as Java fern, Anubias, and Amazon sword. Additionally, consider adding aquarium decorations like small caves or resin structures that create interesting pathways and hideouts for your Betta fish.
2. Floating Toys and Objects
Betta fish are naturally drawn to objects that float on the water’s surface. Introducing floating toys can provide them with interactive play opportunities. Consider small, lightweight toys like floating fish figurines or soft silicone balls that your Betta fish can nudge or push around. However, be careful not to cover the entire surface of the tank, as Betta fish need access to the surface to breathe.
3. Interactive Toys and Puzzles
If you’re looking for toys that stimulate your Betta fish mentally, interactive toys and puzzles are a fantastic option. These toys generally involve treats or hidden compartments that require the fish to solve puzzles or manipulate objects to access their rewards. Toys such as swim tunnels or floating hoops that your Betta fish can swim through add an extra layer of engagement and provide physical exercise.
4. Mirror Toys
Betta fish are known for their territorial nature and strong instinct to protect their space. Introducing a mirror toy can trigger their aggressive response, as they perceive their own reflection as an intruder. However, it’s important to use mirror toys sparingly and monitor your Betta fish closely, as prolonged exposure to their reflection may cause stress.

Fun and Interactive Toys to Keep Betta Fish Happy
Betta fish are very curious fish, and providing them with stimulating toys can help keep them engaged. Adding a few fun toys like a floating betta log or a ping pong ball can offer hours of entertainment, encouraging them to explore the water surface. These toys can prevent boredom and keep your betta fish happy in their environment.
For betta tanks specifically, ensure that there’s enough space for play, as well as a well-planned layout that includes plants and objects to interact with. It’s especially important for male bettas, who can become more territorial, to have toys that distract them from aggression toward other fish. With thoughtful toy selection, your betta will remain active and content in their fish tank.

DIY Toys and Games for Betta Fish
If you enjoy getting crafty or want to save some money, you can create DIY toys and games for your Betta fish. Here are a few easy ideas to get you started:
– Create a floating toy by attaching a small, clean, and lightweight object to a fishing line, ensuring it can float on the water’s surface.
– Make a treat dispenser by poking small holes in a clean plastic container, such as a pill bottle, and placing some Betta-friendly treats inside. Your fish will have to nudge the container to release the treats.
– Build a simple swim tunnel using PVC pipes or clean plastic tubing. Attach it securely to the tank walls, ensuring the edges are smooth and won’t harm your fish.
Feeding Enrichment: Keeping Betta Fish Stimulated
Betta fish thrive with a varied diet that mirrors their natural habitat. Offering betta live food occasionally, like blood worms, can mimic the hunting experience and keep them stimulated.
Feeding them near items like betta leaf hammocks at the water surface enhances their feeding behavior, providing both a resting place and an area for food. While regular fish food is part of their diet, bettas benefit from added enrichment through interactive feeding.

Keep them with compatible tropical fish like cory catfish, and ensure the environment supports their natural behaviors. Many pet stores carry specialized toys and tools, such as floating feeders, to aid in creating a dynamic feeding environment. Whether housed with neon tetras or as only males, bettas need space in their fish tanks to enjoy feeding activities while maintaining harmony with other fish.
Safety Considerations
While providing toys for your Betta fish is essential, safety should always be a top priority. Be sure to choose toys made specifically for aquariums or aquatic environments.
Avoid using toys or objects with sharp edges that could harm your fish, and regularly inspect all toys for any signs of wear or damage. Monitoring your Betta fish while they play can also help ensure their safety and prevent any accidents.
Remember, creating a stimulating and engaging environment for your Betta fish enhances their overall well-being and happiness. By understanding their behavior, exploring different toy options, and occasionally indulging in DIY creations, you can provide your Betta fish with an enriching and enjoyable experience.

In conclusion, Betta fish enjoy a variety of toys that mimic their natural environment and stimulate their instincts.
From live plants and aquarium decorations to floating toys, interactive puzzles, and DIY creations, there are numerous options to keep your Betta fish entertained.
Just remember to prioritize their safety and closely observe their reactions to ensure they are enjoying their playtime. So go ahead and set up an exciting and playful tank for your beloved Betta fish!