The highly-sought after Green Jade Shrimp, also known as Neocaridina davidi originated from China, but has been spread across Japan, Taiwan, and Hawaii. The stunning vibrant emerald treasure is a must have gem in your tank.

They are part of the less common variant of the Neocardina. Their temperament alone makes them desirable as they are known to be peaceful creatures and easy to care for compared to other shrimp species. The green Neocaridina shrimp make great freshwater shrimp for beginners and hobbyists who have an appreciation for unique beauty.
Appearance and Characteristics
The Jade-colored shrimp exhibit vibrant, deep green hues ranging from the color jade to forest green. Some color variations in the shrimp are green-yellow, green-blue, and even green-black! Talk about options.
The Green Jade shrimp appearance makes them the perfect model in front of any backdrop, especially black. They have semi-transparent bodies that can confidently be labeled as works of art; which are distinctively exclusive to each individual shrimp.
- Adult Size: They can grow to be maximum 1.2 inches or 3 cm long.
- Color Pattern: Their color variation of green-yellow, green-blue, and green-black add elegance and mystique to any tank.
- Unique Traits: They have long slender bodies with 10 pairs of legs. Half of the pairs are used for swimming and the other half is used for walking.
Tank Requirements

The ideal tank setup will not be rocket science as the Green Jade shrimp are low-maintenance minimalists. A 10-gallon tank works perfectly for these shrimps. If you plan to have more than 10 shrimp, increase the tank size by 1 gallon for each 2-5 shrimp added.
The best Green Jade shrimp tank setup is one that is heavily planted with low-flow water. Ideal temperatures range from 65-85 degrees fahrenheit with a stable pH of 6.5-8.0. These shrimp like a tranquil and consistent environment filled with algae! Ahhh they want their own personal happy green spa… don’t we all.
- Tank Size: 10-gallon tank
- Substrate and Plants: Dark substrates are perfect to bring out the intense color contrast of these shrimp
- Water Parameters: pH of 6.5-8.0; temperature of 65-85 degrees fahrenheit; water hardness 4.0-14.0 dGH
Feeding Green Jade Shrimp
Green Jade shrimp are natural grazers and snack enthusiasts of the shrimp world. While they will feed on algae and biofilm, the omnivorous shrimp diet also consists of shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables, and algae wafers. Avoid overfeeding them as this can trigger ammonia spikes from any left over foods breaking down.
- Feeding Frequency: It is recommended to feed the Jade Green shrimp once per day if there are plenty of biofilms in the tank. However, if the tank is clean from algae and biofilm, 1-2 times per day will suffice.
- Nutritional Needs: Best diet for freshwater shrimp is a high quality plant rich diet with occasional protein foods like brine shrimp or daphnia.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
Breeding Green Jade Shrimp
One thing about the Freshwater shrimp reproduction is that they are not shy about expanding their numbers! Under favorable conditions, breeding can happen with minimal effort on your part. You will need at least 8 shrimp, mixed males and females to make the chances higher.
This video has been very helpful in identifying the sex of Neocaridina Shrimp, I highly recommend it:
The female Green Jade shrimp release pheromones (by molting) when they have eggs available for fertilization, eliciting a response from the male shrimp. Female Green Jade shrimp carry their eggs (approx. 20-40) in a cozy area under their abdomen giving the eggs a bit of a “blackberry” look as the eggs develop. In about 3-4 weeks, they will hatch really tiny, fully formed shrimp in the tank.
A stress-free environment is important for these shrimp as a sense of insecurity, lack of hiding places, or feeling vulnerable may hinder reproduction.
- Breeding Behavior: Female Green Jade Shrimp take shrimp egg care to a whole other level by fanning their eggs to keep them clean, oxygenated, and free from mold and bacteria.
- Eggs and Babies: It takes about 3-4 weeks for these eggs to hatch. Near hatching, these eggs turn darker. The tiny black spots on the eggs are the eyes of the developing shrimp.
- Breeding Frequency: Green Jade Shrimp can breed frequently under favorable conditions and in a tank evenly mixed with males and females.
NOTE: mixing neocaridina shrimp varieties carries the risk of interbreeding different color varieties from the different variants which will result in their offspring not inheriting their parent’s coloration. It is not a terrible thing, but if you hope to pass on the chocolate shrimp’s brown coloration, it is best to do so in a chocolate shrimp only tank. The mixed offspring would instead inherit a wild coloration.
Tank Mates for Green Jade Shrimp

If the Green Jade shrimp had a motto, it would start out with “Keep calm and…” because that is what they represent. The ideal Green Jade shrimp tank mates are Tetras, Rasboras, and peaceful bottom-dwellers.
Keep predatory fish away from your shrimp as they may view them as appetizers. Freshwater shrimp compatibility is important as it creates a peaceful community shrimp where their personalities can shine without stress.
Some incompatible fish to avoid when hosting Green Jade shrimp are Guppies and Cichlids. Be sure to do research ensuring that whatever tank creature you bring around these shrimp are non-aggressive and non-predatory.
Common Health Issues
Freshwater shrimp care is always necessary especially when hosting Neocaridina species in your tank.
Green Jade shrimp are hardy, but can be prone to stress if the water quality is not up to par. Common issues include shrimp molting issues, bacterial infections, and occasional parasites. Observe your shrimp for any unusual behavior, like lethargy, color loss, or skipping meals as that can be an indicator that they are stressed.
Ensure that the Green Jade shrimp is not exposed to copper as they are highly sensitive. Testing the copper levels in your tap is the best way to prevent any issues from occurring. Clean water and consistent tank maintenance are the best ways to keep your Green Jade shrimp in a healthy and thriving environment.
The lifespan of Green Jade Shrimp

Now, you may be wondering, how long do shrimp live for? In a well maintained tank, Green Jade shrimp lifespan is around 1-2 years.
Some freshwater shrimp lifespan tips to ensure you get the best and longest time with these stunning creatures is giving them good water, a balanced diet, and a stress-free tank.
They will be sure to stick around to entertain you for quite a while. Seeing your shrimp friends thrive and breed is a clear sign that you are giving them a shrimp paradise!
Water Quality and Maintenance
The Green Jade shrimp water quality must be pristine as they are the water quality patrol; but can you blame them? They are small, sensitive, and prefer low-nitrite, low-ammonia environments.
Weekly water changes of about 10-30% keep the tank health up to standard for these water quality snobs. A gentle filtration system helps with the water maintenance flow without sending them out to surf in your tank.
Some non-negotiables are stable parameters and zero chlorine. These freshwater shrimp are delicate after all and should be treated like cheeky flowers.
Tank Decorations for Green Jade Shrimp

When it comes to these Green Jade shrimp and their ideal home, think jungle vibes! These freshwater shrimp love a heavily dense planted tank with hiding spots galore.
Not only that, but they will spend hours exploring and hiding among these decorations, especially during molting when they are at their most vulnerable.
Tank plants serve as a great place for baby shrimp to grow safely and offer a great source for shrimp all ages. There are many advantages to having decoration for the Green Jade tank setup
- Best Decorations: Aquatic moss or Java moss, driftwood, rocks, and leafy plants create a playground where they can play hide and seek as they please.
- Shrimp Hiding Spots: As these shrimps can easily be stressed, the best way to control their stress is to give them hiding spots especially when they are in their molting pre and post period.
- Aquarium Aesthetics: As mentioned in the beginning of this article, due to their vibrant and striking color, these Green Jade shrimp can look good with anything backdrop, even green. This helps to take pressure on you to find the best aquarium decoration for these shrimp in terms of aesthetics. However, if you are looking for intensifying their color, some black decorations can do just that.
Molting Process in Green Jade Shrimp
Molting is the shrimp’s version of “new year, new me”, since they shed their exoskeleton to make space for their new growth. However, that means, at least once a month, they are left feeling vulnerable. The freshwater shrimp’s molting process has four stages:
- pre-molt (prep for the next molt)
- molting (Shrimp sheds its old shell)
- post-molt (they will absorb a lot of water to strengthen their new cuticle)
- inter-molt (The shrimp’s exoskeleton hardens as it absorbs more minerals and protein).
There is a silver lining in the molting as frequent molting is a sign of good health; however, molting problems in shrimp can occur such as being stuck and unable to free themselves from their old shell.
This can be fatal to them, and there is very little you can do to help. Poor water conditions can lead to molting issues, so ensure your water parameters are up to standard. Some freshwater shrimp care tips are ensuring that their diet is calcium and protein focused for healthy exoskeleton growth.

- Molting Frequency: When a Green Jade shrimp reaches adulthood, they average molting about once a month.
- Signs of Molting: They typically hide during and after molting, so do not fret if they disappear for a bit as they are trying to get their life together.
- Post-Molt Care: These freshwater shrimp are not only snobs but high maintenance. After they molt, give them their space as they want to be left alone to regroup themselves.
- Interesting fact: Your freshwater friends are very happy to eat their old shell if you leave it in the tank as it is a great source of calcium.
Molting successfully is very important for our pet crustaceans, to learn more about molting check out our article, Molting Shrimp 101: What to Expect.
This Green Jade shrimp care guide should be used as a guide and not as a bible. It is important that you continue to learn more about these shrimp if you are serious about being their pet owners. Green Jade shrimp are a beginner friendly shrimp species and treasured green gems with big personalities! They are easy to take care of and they are endlessly entertaining.
These freshwater shrimp can bring color, life, and charm to any aquarium. Your love for these Green Jade shrimp will show through their livelihood, so make sure you follow these freshwater shrimp care tips. Whether you are observing them exploring their planted paradise or supporting their tiny family expansions, they are bound to get you emotionally invested.
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