Though Neocaridina shrimp varieties originated from the streams and ponds of Asia, they have become a household name in freshwater aquariums worldwide, thanks to their impeccable color range and patterns that have developed over the years through selective breeding, making them highly sought after.

Neocaridina shrimp varieties are very social crustaceans with peaceful temperaments, which helps them coexist with various shrimp species, small friendly fish, and snails. They’re also more tolerant of different water temperatures and parameters and are mostly 1-4 inches, making them a popular option for smaller or nano aquariums.
These popular aquarium shrimp also fit right into the world of beginner aquarists. They are very easy to care for and play a very active role in keeping their aquatic environment clean through a unique feeding pattern of consuming leftover waste and debris in their tank.
In this guide, we will take you on a colorful journey into the little big world of the omnivorous Neocaridina freshwater aquarium shrimp in 13 distinct selections.
1. Chocolate Shrimp

The richness and varying intensities of the Chocolate Shrimp’s color provide a whole new color spectrum for aquarists looking for diverse aquarium shrimp in their collection. Chocolate shrimp, like other Neocaridina varieties, are high up on the scale when it comes to cleaning waste in their surroundings; they do this by feasting on waste particles and food crumbs.
You get to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of this brown Neocaridina shrimp in your aquarium for about two years if paired with small and non-aggressive tank mates like guppies and provide ample hiding spots for breeding season.
Guidelines for identifying viable shrimp eggs in the absence of the mother shrimp.
2. Yellow Golden Back Shrimp

The radiant yellow golden back shrimp adds life and a vibrant touch to any aquarium, making it easy to spot them at any time of the day. This golden Neocaridina shrimp thrives in well-planted aquariums with gentle water flow, mimicking its natural habitat’s calmness to keep it active around the clock.
The golden Neocaridina shrimp are easy to care for and do not require a complex diet. However, prioritizing a carotenoid-rich diet is important to maintaining shrimp color.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
3. Snowball Shrimp

The uniqueness of this white Neocaridina shrimp and how it contrasts with the usual green and brown aquarium plants have earned it a spot on this list. Snowball shrimps are a beauty to have in any aquarium and work just as hard as any other aquarium cleaner shrimp, consuming algae and detritus.
Aside from their exotic appearance, snowball shrimps are also super easy to care for, making them a must-have for beginners and expert shrimp hobbyists. They exhibit peaceful behaviors towards other aquarium inhabitants and adapt quickly to their environment.
4. Green Jade Shrimp

The lush, deep hue of the Green Jade Shrimp can range from light translucent green to a darker, richer shade with stripes and a translucent yellow base, causing it to blend with its immediate environment and stand out simultaneously.
These peace-loving shrimps can grow up to 3cm and have a lifespan of up to two years. They endure a wide range of water parameters and graze on naturally growing algae and biofilm in turn keeping their tank clean.
This green Neocaridina shrimp care routine includes maintaining high shrimp water quality, meaning frequent water changes to ensure proper water parameters are maintained. Also provide your Green Jade Shrimp with premium plant-based diet rich in calcium and carotene to help preserve their color and beauty.
5. Bloody Mary Shrimp

Feeling zesty and in the mood for some red Neocaridina shrimp variant? Then you should consider the intense red color of the Bloody Mary Shrimp which is quite stronger than the popular Red Cherry Shrimp.
If you’re a beginner or expert aquarist on a mission to widen your collection and add more vibrant color varieties to your tank, this high-grade shrimp is just for you. Due to their original habitat, the Bloody Mary shrimp thrive best in planted aquariums with caves or other hiding places serving as shelter for fry after breeding season.
6. Orange Sakura Shrimp

From light peach to bold tangerine, the Orange Sakura Shrimp’s elite coloration is a breath of fresh air in your home tank and a great way to brighten its aesthetic. Like the Red Cherry Shrimp, an easy-care shrimp, this orange Neocaridina shrimp is great for both advanced shrimp hobbyists and those newly venturing into the field.
Add small tank mates like Kuhli Loaches, cory catfish, and Neon Tetras to increase the tank’s vibrancy with these active but shrimp safe pets.
7. Carbon Rili Shrimp

This shrimp is definitely a unique addition to this list; the physical appearance of the Carbon Rili Shrimp features a dual color scheme with transparent patterns, making it a great option for introducing a twist to your aquarium.
These dramatic aquarium shrimp are easy to care for and can survive on decaying plants and algae in their tanks; however, you should still provide them with a nutrient-rich diet. These black and blue Carbon Rili Shrimp can survive up to 2 years and grow to 3cm.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
8. Black Rose Shrimp

The deep hue of the Black Rose Shrimp shines boldly against the backdrop of beautiful greenery in planted tanks.
Although black Neocaridina shrimp are not high-maintenance types, maintaining stable water conditions and a nutrient-filled diet is essential to help preserve their dark color and is pivotal to maintaining shrimp health.
This Neocaridinal shrimp can grow 3-4 inches long and stay active in their tanks for up to 2 years with frequent breeding frequency.
9. Blue Dream Shrimp

The Blue Dream Shrimp has a rich blue color that’s an eye-catcher in any aquarium, especially when placed in a tank with contrasting black substrate.
Like most Neocaridina shrimp, the Blue Neocaridina shrimp have similar care needs, which include regular water changes, maintaining stable water parameters, and feeding them a quality diet to maintain their health and aid their growth.
10. Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

Unarguably one of the most popular Neocaridina varieties, the Red Cherry Shrimp offers an elevated vibe to your home tank with its bright red coloration, which ranges from pale pink to deep red, depending on your preference.
These red beauties are hardy freshwater shrimp suitable for beginners and seasoned aquarists who crave an intense touch in their aquarium and enjoy the hassle-free nature of Neocaridina davidi care.
11. Blue Velvet Shrimp

The solid, velvety blue coloration of the Blue Velvet Shrimp introduces a peaceful, calming and endearing presence to the aquarium.
Like other blue Neocaridina varieties, the blue velvet shrimp requires a similar care regime; which includes keeping them in a tank with a minimum of 10 gallons or larger and a working filtration system to maintain water quality.
Foods rich in protein and calcium are essential in these peaceful aquarium shrimp diets to maintain their high-grade blue shade and keep them strong enough to scavenge all day.
12. Golden Shrimp

The bright golden color of the golden shrimp brings elegance to the aquarium and makes them pop on any dark substrate. The yellow Neocaridina shrimp is great for planted and community tanks as it’s a non-aggressive variant and works well with mates like Corydoras, Tetras, and other dwarf shrimp.
For a quick shrimp care guide, golden shrimp care is similar to that of other Neocaridina shrimp, as they clean most of the tank. All that is required is maintaining healthy water parameters and creating hiding spots for breeding season.
13. Rili Shrimp

The fantastic contrast between the transparent and primary color shades (red, blue, orange) on this shrimp adds an exciting flair to the unique patterns of the Rili Shrimp. If you want peak aesthetic appeal in your tank that piques the interest of friends, family, and other shrimp hobbyists, then this is a great option to add to your list.
Patterned Neocaridina shrimp care is no different from that of other Neocaridina shrimp; they require stable water conditions, a variety of live plants with accessible algae growth, and smooth surfaces in their tanks to allow easy grooming.
With the different types of Neocaridina shrimp available, you’ll never run out of a wide array of colors and patterns to add to your tank.
From classic, colorful freshwater shrimps like Chocolate shrimp and Red Cherry shrimp to glamorous varieties like the Rili shrimp and Blue Velvet shrimp, the world is your oyster.
As a collector and potential owner of these beauties, all that is left is providing them with suitable habitat and regular shrimp aquarium care routine to help maintain their vibrant colors and frequent breeding activities.
While Neocaridina shrimp are friendly and can exist together harmoniously in the same tank, we recommend that you avoid mixing different species of Neocaridina in the same tank as they may hybridize and produce offspring of a wild color variety.
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