Can You Put Potted Plants in Your Aquarium? (+ Ideas)

Terracotta Potted Aquarium Plants.

This article will explore the safety and benefits of incorporating potted plants into your aquarium, from providing refuge for fish to promoting gas exchange. Gain practical insights into selecting and preparing pots, along with step-by-step instructions for planting and maintaining potted aquarium plants. Come discover the versatility of plastic, terracotta, glass, and even DIY potting options, while also navigating the realm of using houseplants in your aquatic environments.

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How Much Gravel do I Need for my Aquarium? (Calculator Tips)

Naturally colored Quartz Aquarium Gravel.

Setting up a new fish tank often involves numerous considerations, and determining the right amount of gravel for the substrate is one of them. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover the straightforward formula to calculate the ideal amount of gravel for your aquarium, whether it’s a 5-gallon tank or a 125-gallon behemoth. Armed with just a ruler and a basic calculator, we’ll navigate through the intricacies of substrate depth and tank dimensions to ensure a perfect balance for your aquatic environment.

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The 8 Best Live Plants for Goldfish Aquariums (Real Troopers!)

Are you longing to add some vibrant greenery to your aquarium but worried about your voracious goldfish devouring everything in sight? Fear not! There are indeed live plants that can thrive in a goldfish habitat without becoming fish food. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore eight fantastic plant options that can coexist harmoniously with your aquatic companions. With the right selection of plants and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can create a stunning underwater oasis that both you and your goldfish will enjoy.

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The Best Coral Foods for Rapid Reef Tank Growth

Reef Tank

Embarking on the journey of maintaining a saltwater reef aquarium is a commitment that promises both challenges and rewards. As enthusiasts delve into the realm of coral care, questions inevitably arise: Liquid or pellet coral food? What nutrient sources are essential for SPS corals? Do LPS and soft corals require different nourishment? These questions, while common, can be daunting to answer. In this article, we explore five top-rated coral foods and supplements, answering these questions and more!

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