Unveil the beauty of Caridina shrimp! Our guide details the top 13 types, showcasing their distinct traits and vibrant colors for every aquarist’s delight.
The Caridina Shrimp comes in multiple variations giving them unique qualities despite being the same species. This guide will briefly describe each of these Caridina shrimp and the traits that make them distinctive.

The Caridina shrimp (Caridina cantonensis) family adds splashes of color, pattern, elegance, and style to any aquarium. These popular freshwater Caridina types are well known for their unique shades and striking patterns which makes them even more captivating as they vary.
This aquarist’s guide to Caridina shrimp will focus on the top 13 Caridina shrimp varieties overview—perfect for both beginner and advanced aquarists alike!
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Crystal Red Shrimp

The Crystal Red Shrimp is a classic favorite amongst hobbyists worldwide. It has bold red and white bands, resembling a candy cane with antennae.
These freshwater shrimp need the ideal Crystal Red shrimp setup such as soft, acidic water to keep their vibrant stripes intact between successful molts.
Their convenient size of an inch makes them easy to fit in even nano tanks. Talk about if the shoe fits, wear it!
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: red and white Caridina shrimp
- Water Temperature: 62-76 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 5.8-7.4
- Water hardness: KH 0-4; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: The Crystal Red shrimp characteristics can vary however, they consistently possess a sensitive disposition. They are a bit fussy, maybe even dramatic, but they are worth it according to their popularity among aquarists.
Crystal Black Shrimp

Like its 2 toned cousin, the Crystal Black Shrimp sports sharp black and white stripes, adding flair and contrast to any aquarium.
This black and white Caridina species are known for their peaceful nature, thriving in planted tanks as their idea of fun.
They also make peaceful tankmates with other water creatures making them even more likeable amongst hobbyists.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Opaque Black and white with white being more prevalent
- Water Temperature: 62-76 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 5.8-7.4
- Water hardness: KH 0-4; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: Needs stable water and excels in nano tanks with calm tankmates
Blue Bolt Shrimp

With its stellar shimmering gradient of blue and white intensity that an impressionist artist can only ever achieve, the Blue Bolt Caridina Shrimp is an absolute show-stopper. This vibrant blue shrimp species prefers soft and slightly acidic water
These freshwater shrimp are not only bougie as a species, but they also want to be surrounded by the best tankmates! They prefer to be a single-species tank, but can manage with other non-violent species or smaller nano fish that will not prey on them.
The Blue Bolt Shrimp setup must consistently increase their longevity and color intensity. Follow these tips:
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Shades of blue with a gentle white gradient. They range from royal blue to aquamarine.
- Water Temperature: 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.2-6.8
- Water hardness: KH 0-1; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: These shrimp can change color according to their mood
Amano Shrimp

Can’t afford to clean your tank from algae periodically? These translucent algae-eating shrimp are the best alternative. They are considered the most efficient algae eaters and are sought after for their incredible skill. The Amano Shrimp characteristics include them being hardy creatures. They are quite adaptable to water parameters dissimilar to other shrimp species. Additionally, their peaceful temperament makes them suitable in community tanks with other non-aggressive creatures.
- Adult Size: up to 2 inches
- Color Pattern: Translucent with greenish or brown coloration
- Water Temperature: 69-73 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 7.0-7.4
- Water hardness: KH 1-10; GH 7-8
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: They are born as larvae rather than juvenile shrimp
Shadow Panda Shrimp

They don’t call this eccentric-looking shrimp a panda for nothing. The Shadow Panda Shrimp profile consists of a striated bicolor of deep turquoise blue and ink black; making these shrimp highly appreciated among hobbyists.
They are also highly valued for their efficient cleaning ability, meaning you do not need to hire a separate housekeeper. The shrimp is an uncommon mutation of the Crystal Black Shrimp, first bred in Taiwan. With the proper care and attention, these rare freshwater Caridina can be an added treasure to your tank amplifying its presence in your home.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Blue and black
- Water Temperature: 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 5.5-7.0
- Water hardness: KH 0-2; GH 3-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: These shrimp can change color according to their mood
Tiger Shrimp

The appropriately named Tiger Caridina Shrimp boasts a striking striped appearance that ranges from Orange to blue, blonde, and red. This hardy shrimp species thrives in mixed tanks and handles a range of water conditions like a true champ!
Despite these freshwater shrimp having low bioload and their ability to handle various water parameters, these shrimp require stable water conditions to reach their full longevity potential.
These striped freshwater shrimp can make efficient cleaners in your tank if you provide plenty of surface area in the tank that will allow algae and biofilm to grow through the cracks and crevices.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: These shrimp colors can range from orange, black, blue, blonde, and red
- Water Temperature: 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 5.5-6.5
- Water hardness: KH 0-1; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: One of the easiest Cardina shrimp to care for and are non-aggressive
Red Tiger Shrimp

The Red Tiger Caridina Shrimp sports fiery red stripes on a translucent body, bringing a dash of wild beauty to your tank. This freshwater shrimp with bold patterns responds to an appropriate diet of biofilm, fish flakes, bloodworms, algae wafers, and vegetables. These striped red aquarium shrimp need extra TLC because they are vulnerable to disease.
Lowering the tank water temperatures to prevent the spread of bacteria will lower your shrimp’s chance of trouble. Despite their intermediate care difficulty, they can tolerate tankmates; however, they have to be as zen as a yoga instructor. Some examples of peaceful aquarium mates are non-aggressive tetras and Corydoras.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Bold red stripes on a see-through canvas
- Water Temperature: 62-78 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.0-8.0
- Water hardness: KH 2-6; GH 4-10
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: Female red tiger shrimp are larger than the males.
Orange Eye Blue Tiger Shrimp

The rare-looking orange eye blue shrimp strikingly resembles the early 2000s Blue-Eyes white dragon from Yu-gi-oh! Mixed with intense stellar aquamarine blue and piercing orange eyes, makes it a shrimp not shy to announce they have arrived on the scene.
The blue and orange aquarium shrimp is common among the hobbyist community, and evidently so! Who would not want to keep these eye laser beam cosplay Superman in their tank? Not only are these freshwater shrimp aesthetic, but they are purposeful in the tank.
These creatures are the perfect colorful shrimp for aquascapes. They appreciate plants and other substrates, as well as spending their time eating algae and biofilm off of them.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Bold red stripes on a see-through canvas
- Water Temperature: 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.6-6.9
- Water hardness: KH 0-2; GH 5-7
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: These creatures earned the right to be vain. Their unique orange eye and blue body combination makes them a tough competitor in the physical category.
King Kong Shrimp
![Pictured, a [Black] King Kong Shrimp in its natural habitat](https://aquanswers.com/wp-content/w3-webp/uploads/2024/11/image-193.pngw3.webp)
Looking at these shrimp you may think the person who named them may not have been sober, and that could be a possibility. Nevertheless, these solid black shrimp species bring mystery and darkness for anyone who has eccentric motives. Just kidding.
The King Kong Caridina shrimp are as black as charcoal being burnt twice which brings a sense of depth like the location of the sunken Titanic. Their name contradicts their strength as they are known to be sensitive to water changes. They are delicate, so you need to ensure that you put them in an established tank with an abundance of plants, driftwood, and décor elements.
Do not get this shrimp confused with the Panda Shrimp. The King Kong Shrimp will never exhibit thick white or blue bands. At the very most, the King Kong Shrimp will have a range of white markings on an all-black body; which can be explained due to breeding quality and precision.
- Adult Size: up to 1.5 inches
- Color Pattern: Rich, solid black or small white markings
- Water Temperature: 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Water hardness: KH 0-2; GH 3-5
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: They are skilled scavengers that will keep any tank clean
Methods to ensure successful care of shrimp eggs after the mother shrimp’s death.
Snow White Shrimp

The Snow White Shrimp is the ideal contestant for this case. Their name is almost fitting considering they are part of the dwarf shrimp community.
Their pure charm and solid white translucent appearance make it hard to resist purchasing it. These shrimp are like designer bags. You can spot a fake one because the real one is high-grade.
This peaceful shrimp for aquariums brings a visually calming effect for any hobbyist who appreciates that aesthetic. Owning these shrimp is like a 2-for-1 because they are also effective cleaners.
They will feed on algae and organic debris, but make sure you supplement them with other food sources. Keep their water conditions stable if you want to increase their longevity.
- Adult Size: up to 1 inch
- Color Pattern: Pristine white or translucent
- Water Temperature: 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.0-7.0
- Water hardness: KH 1-2; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: Their elegant appearance and effective cleaning ability in the tank
Yellow King Kong Shrimp

The Yellow King Kong Shrimp are as eye-catching as a brand new Rolls Royce. If you are looking for sunshine in a tank, the vibrant aquarium shrimp will fill that void.
Since they are part of the Caridina family, caring for them will be like caring for the other Caridina species; which would be familiar if you have kept up with this guide so far.
They demand weekly or bi-weekly water changes depending on bioload to keep their exposure to nitrate low and need to be fed from the sufficient amount of biofilm they grazed from plants and supplemented food you feed it.
Despite their sensitivity to water changes and implied high-maintenance nature, these colorful Caridina species are cheerful additions to anyone looking for a pick-me-up.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inch
- Color Pattern: Mixture of solid and translucent yellow
- Water Temperature: 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.0-6.8
- Water hardness: KH 0-1; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: They are a mutation mixing of the Taiwan Bee Shrimp and Tiger Shrimp
Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp

If they needed someone to cast as a Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp in a movie, it would be James Bond. This striking Caridina shrimp gives off suave and dressed to impress. Their bold black and white stripes command attention and sophistication to aquascapes.
They pair well with dark substrates and vibrant lush green plants in the aquarium. They are not as high-maintenance as their fellow Caridina mates, but they do require acknowledgement in care. Stable water conditions ensure these creatures can maintain their health in the tank.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inch
- Color Pattern: Sleek black and white tiger stripes
- Water Temperature: 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6.5-6.9
- Water hardness: KH 0-1; GH 4-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: Every Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp will vary in pattern
Blue Shadow mosura Shrimp

The representation of an enigma is the Blue Shadow Mosura Shrimp. Draped with reflective blue foil-like colors gives the subtle color species an ethereal aura elevating your tank’s overall presence.
The captivating shrimp is perfect for aquarists who appreciate the complexity of colors and patterns. Just like any Caridina species, these blue-grey aquarium shrimp are more sensitive and generally prefer soft, slightly acidic water. The Blue Shadow Shrimp can be great tankmates as they naturally possess a peaceful temperament that any creature would orbit around.
- Adult Size: up to 1.2 inch
- Color Pattern: Sleek black and white tiger stripes
- Water Temperature: 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 6-6.7
- Water hardness: KH 0-1; GH 3-6
- Lifespan: up to 2 years
- Unique Traits: They are drama-free and give your tank an ethereal effect
Whether you are a lover of bold red colors or prefer intricate patterns and combinations, the Caridina shrimp family offers endless variety. Since these shrimp share similar care requirements, choosing Caridina Shrimp comes down to personal preference, tank conditions, and experience level.
This guide to vibrant shrimp types will have you torn between which shrimp is worthy to embark on a journey in your aquarium. It is difficult to decide between all these top freshwater shrimp within this selection because they all are unique, it is like comparing apples to oranges.
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