Bright and golden yellow King Kong Shrimp are a rare species worth being the centerpiece in your heavily planted nano tank. This article details all the reasons why this variant is worth the hype!

Most hobbyists know the black variant of the King Kong shrimp, but have you seen the Yellow King Kong Shrimp? It’s a rare premium Caridina cantonensis yellow variant that makes a striking centerpiece in any aquarium.
Because of its rare coloration, this premium freshwater shrimp needs specialized care; every detail matters, from the tank layout to its contents, feeding, breeding, health, and the means to extend its lifespan.
If you’re ready to learn the best Yellow King Kong shrimp care, stick with me, let’s get down to business.
See Also: 13 Stunning Caridina Shrimp Varieties to Brighten Your Freshwater Aquarium
The Stunning Appearance of Yellow King Kong Shrimp

Color Patterns
Even though Yellow King Kong shrimp are a distinctive yellow and sometimes have translucent spots, the intensity depends on their genetics. You can use these color patterns to determine the shrimp’s grade and other characteristics.
NOTE: Be mindful not to mistakenly identify a Yellow Golden Back Neocaridina Shrimp for the Yellow King Kong Caridina Shrimp.
Unique Traits
Besides its vibrant coloration, this vivid Caridina shrimp has other interesting traits, like its calm temperament. However, this 1 – 1.2 inch shrimp will only retain its coloration and peaceful mood under proper care and tank conditions.
Now, you’re a semi-pro at identifying Yellow King Kong shrimp. Vibrant color that’s vivid under proper care and tank conditions.
Setting Up the Perfect Aquarium for Yellow King Kong Shrimp
You should create a suitable habitat in your Yellow King Kong shrimp’s tank. Shrimps need soft, slightly acidic water and stable environments to thrive. Look down for more tips!
Tank Size and Layout
Get a minimum tank size of 10 gallons with live plants, moss and driftwood for five shrimps. Get a closer look at this Caridina shrimp habitat guide for your pet’s comfort:
Water Parameters
Temperature | 68 – 77℉ |
pH | 6 – 6.8 |
Total Dissolved Solids | 20 – 80 ppm |
Hardness | 4 – 6 dGH | 0 – 2 dKH |
Substrate and Decor

Active substrate and natural decor create a visually appealing and functional setup. Active soil improves the water’s acidic composition, while heavy plants like Java Moss, Christmas Moss, and Indian Almond Leaves paired with driftwood or cholla wood add a natural ambiance to the tank. Keep reading for more freshwater shrimp aquarium tips.
Feeding Yellow King Kong Shrimp: Nutrition for Vibrant Colors
Yellow King Kong shrimps are omnivorous pets, so their dietary needs range from regular commercial food to plant-based foods and live matter.
Whichever foods you include in your Yellow shrimp’s diet, ensure it’s balanced with all groups. Also, feeding them a balanced diet is the best practice for enhancing shrimp color through nutrition.
Diet Suggestion
Feed your Yellow Tiger shrimp biofilm, algae wafers, shrimp-specific pellets, and blanched vegetables. Use commercial and natural foods as staples, while vegetables should be supplementary.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
Feeding Tips
Serve small amounts of food that your shrimp can finish within 2 minutes only twice daily when feeding Yellow King Kong shrimp. It reduces overfeeding and water contamination from leftovers.
Breeding Yellow King Kong Shrimp: From Eggs to Hatchlings

Yellow King Kong shrimps, like other Caridina species, carry eggs that hatch within 25 – 30 days, so if you want a chance to raise shrimp fry successfully, pay attention to these Caridina reproduction techniques.
Breeding Setup
Ensure the breeding tank has stable and optimal water parameters to create a low-stress environment. Then, feed your pets a balanced and nutritious diet to prepare them for breeding. For the best results, the breeders must be 5 – 6 months old.
This video has been very helpful in identifying the sex of caridina Shrimp, I highly recommend it:
Fry Care Tips
Once your larvae hatch, they come out tiny but fully formed, so feed them microalgae or powdered shrimp food until they become large and strong.
Quarantine the young adults for a few weeks to a month before introducing them to the main tank.
Compatible Tank Mates for Yellow King Kong Shrimp

Speaking of introducing shrimp into community tanks, let’s discuss shrimp-safe tank companions. These include water dwellers like nano fish, snails, and other Caridina species that can coexist harmoniously with the Yellow King Kong shrimp.
You can identify peaceful aquarium species by size, physical traits, and overall temperament. Avoid predatory species with larger sizes and aggressive temperaments when choosing tank mates for Yellow King Kong shrimp.
Preventing Health Issues in Yellow King Kong Shrimp
Following this guide is one sure ticket to maintaining healthy Caridina shrimp, but it’s not foolproof. Your pets may still experience common health issues like molting from genetics and stress from water fluctuations.
Preventative measures work to prevent shrimp diseases, but you must be ready with treatment at the earliest sign of illness.
Tips for maintaining health and well-being
Preventative Measures
- Regular water changes
- Maintaining stable water parameters
- Avoiding copper-based treatments
Signs of Illness
The top three symptoms, lethargy, failed molts, and faded colors, could be signs of existing or incoming illnesses, and you can only tell the difference when you understand the Yellow King Kong shrimp health care needs.
Immediate treatments include quarantining, water changes, and relevant medication as the veterinarian prescribes.
Lifespan of Yellow King Kong Shrimp: Caring for Long-Term Companions
With proper long-term Caridina shrimp care and good tank maintenance, your Yellow King Kong shrimp will live for up to 1 – 2 years. We just discussed freshwater ornamental shrimp health, and here are some more practical tips for long-term care.
Lifespan Factors
- Keep pristine water quality
- Feed a balanced diet
- Maintain stress-free conditions with compatible tank mates and stable water parameters.
Care Tips for Longevity
Routine maintenance and observation are great for early detection of issues, and you can scroll up to see what kinds of treatments suit each sign. Now, you know how to elongate your Yellow King Kong shrimp lifespan.
It’s time to say goodbye, but not without leaving you with a summary of the care essentials in this Yellow King Kong shrimp guide.
Radiant freshwater shrimp care starts with choosing the right tank size and layout and creating a natural habitat through aquascaping. Then, you must carefully select breeders for reproduction, choose compatible tank mates only, and feed your Yellow King Kong shrimp the best diets to enhance their physical appearance and health.
Don’t skip any of these premium Caridina care tips I’ve shared here because they’re all interdependent. Have fun keeping your vibrant yellow King Kong shrimp!