Enjoy the beauty of the Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp, with the excellent tips in this guide you’ll learn everything from identification, tank setup, breeding, health care, and much more.

The name of this ornamental freshwater shrimp may instantly remind you of the sharp stripes on a tiger’s fur and send your mind on a wild chase – that’s just the irony of nature. Nevertheless, the Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp is a premium Caridina species admired for its intricate black-and-white striping.
As a Caridina mariae black tiger variant, this species appeals to advanced aquarists due to its unique appearance and very moderate care requirements, which encourage operating a community tank.
Everything you’ve read so far is just the tip of the iceberg. As you proceed into the article, you’ll get familiar with the nitty gritty of Black Fancy Tiger shrimp care and how to maximize your experience with tips on breeding.
See Also: Rili Shrimp Care Guide: A Colorful Addition to Your Freshwater Aquarium
The Exquisite Appearance of Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp

The bold black stripes and contrasting white patterns contribute to the visually stunning appearance of the Black Fancy Tiger shrimp. However, you may notice that the intensity of these exotic shrimp patterns varies – well, there’s a grading system!
Grading for this shrimp is based on their shell color intensity, and pattern visibility. The level ranges from A to SSS, which is the highest. If your Black Fancy Tigers have an opaque shell laced with a vibrant black and white tiger pattern running from its head to tail, then you have an exceptional SSS breed in your tank. Lower-grade shrimp may have blurry patterns.
Color Patterns: The symmetrical striped Caridina features are the highlight of Black Fancy Tiger shrimp physiology. They glide across their translucent bodies with varying levels of clarity and sharpness.
Designing the Ideal Tank for Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp
Tank size and Layout
I recommend starting with a minimum tank size of 10 gallons for your Black Fancy Tiger shrimp tank setup, and you can expand as your small group increases in numbers and space requirements.
Check out our detailed freshwater shrimp aquarium guide below:
Water Parameters | Stats |
Temperatures | 64-720F |
pH Level | 6.8-7.0 |
Water Hardness | 4-6 dGH |
TDS | 100-200 PPM |
Substrate and Decor
Another vital part of the Caridina shrimp habitat essential is introducing elements of their natural environment into their enclosed space to make them feel at ease and promote natural behavior.
Dark substrate should be added to the tank to enhance visibility the shrimp’s striking colors and patterns. Live plants, such as moss and fern, growing in the tank will also provide plenty of cover for security during breeding season. Introduce caves, rocks and driftwood surfaces to collect eggs.
Feeding Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp: Ensuring Vibrant Stripes

Whether you’re a newbie or an expert, creating a diet for striped ornamental shrimp is meticulous. Food is essential to your aquatic pet’s growth, performance, and color retention.
Diet Suggestion
- Biofilm, algae wafers, and shrimp pellets are excellent sources of calcium for your shrimp’s molt formation and development.
- Blanched vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, spinach and peas are primary components of shrimp nutrition for vivid patterns as they provide vitamins and minerals.
Feeding Tips
There are some lines you mustn’t cross when it comes to feeding Black Fancy Tiger shrimp, which strongly includes the idea of feeding them bulk food at once. Overfeeding is your pet’s greatest enemy, as food wastage can compromise their water quality, leading to sickness or death.
With that being said, feeding them in small amounts (2-3) times daily that they can consume within 5 minutes and clearing the tank immediately is the best way to forestall the dangers of overfeeding.
Breeding Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp: A Path to Success

Learn some helpful Caridina reproduction techniques in this section, and watch your tank increase in numbers.
Like most shrimp, the reproduction process for this Caridina is straightforward. After mating with their male mates, the female Black Fancy Tiger Dwarf shrimp lay 15 – 30 eggs. They carry these eggs under their abdomen until they hatch within 3-5 weeks. At this point, the fry begins their freshwater survival process by looking for food.
Breeding Setup: A stress-free environment with consistent water parameters is a non-negotiable aspect of breeding Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp.
Fry Care Tips:
Raising high-grade shrimp fry is quite serious; it requires full commitment. It all begins with feeding them a proper diet from birth. Introduce them to powdered shrimp, then graduate to pellets and live foods as they grow into adults.
Maintaining pristine water quality is also important for your fry’s survival. Food remnants in the water deplete the water’s parameters and expose your shrimp to infections.
Tank Mates for Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp: Building a Peaceful Community
The more the merrier, they say! The Black Fancy Tiger shrimp are highly compatible with other peaceful aquarium species, including Caridina species and small fish, with the same appetite bandwidth and preference for water parameters. So, if you want an assorted aquarium but don’t know how to begin, this is your cue.
Compatible Species: Similarly sized fish like ember tetras, micro tetras, micro rasboras, nerite snails, Dwarf Crayfish, and other small-sized Caridina species are excellent tank mates for Black Fancy Tiger shrimp and make up the best ecosystem in your home tank. They will also engage in little to no competition for food and hiding space, so everybody wins.
Avoided Species: Aggressive and significantly larger aquatic creatures like Cichlids, Goldfish, Bettas, Loaches, and large crabs are not shrimp-safe freshwater companions. They either see your shrimp as a dietary source, harass them in the tank due to their overly active nature, or require harsher water parameters.
Preventing Health Issues in Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp
Unfortunately, the stunning hues of these Caridina can’t save them from experiencing common health problems such as molting issues and stress from unstable water parameters. However, I have curated actionable tips for maintaining healthy Caridina shrimp in this section.
Preventative Measures
A significant part of the Black Fancy Tiger shrimp health care is putting helpful measures in place to ensure your tank never gets ravaged with disease, or at least be well prepared for an unexpected break out in your tank. So how do we do this?
- Create stable water quality by keeping the recommended temperature, pH level and hardness.
- Regular cleanup of your shrimp tank, including clearing food remnants and timely water changes, is very helpful in preventing ornamental shrimp diseases.
- Strictly avoid adding copper-based medication to their water, as it may introduce toxins into your tank, thereby tampering with the natural order of things.
Signs of Illness
- Slowed or troubled swimming
- Deformed or failed molts
- Fading stripes
- Fatigue
The following are all signs that something is not right with your shrimp. So, do not trivialize these signs.
Lifespan of Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp: Caring for Long-Term Companions
Nothing stops your Black Fancy Tiger shrimp from gracing your home tank for up to 2 years, but you must hold your end of the bargain by practicing long-term Caridina shrimp care. How do you set out on the journey? I’ll show you in this Black Fancy Tiger shrimp lifespan guide.
Lifespan Factors: Establishing stable water parameters, maintaining a proper diet, and reducing stress with a proper filtration system are all pivotal to the survival of your Black Fancy Tiger shrimp.
Care Tips for Longevity: In this highly satisfying and rewarding process, your watchwords should be consistent observation of water conditions and proactive maintenance of your home tank and fish environment.
Our ornamental shrimp longevity tips will save the day in your aquarium. Do your part and watch them blossom.
Good job! You’re at the end of such a revealing Black Fancy Tiger shrimp care guide, and I know you’re fired up to begin your journey. Paying attention to the captivating patterns of these striped beauties, which is why they are centerpieces in aquascaped tanks, and creating an effective care routine surrounding their delicate nature will assure you premium shrimp aquarium success.
Here’s a rundown of our striped freshwater shrimp tips so far
- Feeding your shrimp a balanced diet is the best way to maintain their color and health.
- Regularly changing your tank water is highly beneficial to their survival
- Prevention is better than cure. Always monitor your tank for the first signs of disease and fatigue.
- Set aside a dedicated tank for the breeding season to protect that fragile fry.