If you find your tank boring and missing that pop of color, look no further than the Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi). They are known for their vibrant aura and bodies with splashes of color and their unique transparent patterns only very few Neocaridina species can pull off.

These freshwater shrimp with color variation are like tiny stained-glass windows swimming in your tank. They are highly popular amongst aquarists, bringing both visual appeal and electrifying energy to your tank.
- Adult size: They typically grow up to 1.2 inches
- Color Pattern: Their color range from red, blue, black, and orange
- Unique traits: They are hardy and adaptable, making them a great choice for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike.
Setting Up the Ideal Tank for Rili Shrimp
Creating the perfect eco-friendly shrimp habitat for these vibrant aquarium shrimp species is not difficult, but it does require a few essentials. The optimal tank for vibrant shrimp like the Rili should be at least 5 gallons in size to allow them to thrive.
However, if you plan to have a colony, a 10-gallon will do even better! Aim for stable water conditions with moderate flow, as these shrimp prefer a gentle current that mimics their familiar natural environment.
Is the tank setup done if there are no plants? Absolutely not! Plants are a non-negotiable. Live plants not only make your Rili shrimp aquarium setup look inviting, but it also helps with their water quality, providing biofilm and extra places for shrimp to graze and hide.
For substrate and decorations, go for fine dark-colored substrates like gravel or sand. This provides a beautiful contrast that makes freshwater shrimp with color stand out. Adding crevices or caves to the tank will help them feel more secure.
- Temperature: 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit
- pH: 7.2-7.6
- Water Hardness: GH of 8. Hard level for shell health
- Lighting: Standard tank lighting or dim as they do not require much light
Feeding Rili Shrimp: Essentials for Color and Health

Rili Shrimp may be small, but they have a big appetite. Their diet plays a crucial role in preserving their brilliant colors, so feeding them a balanced mix of nutrition is important.
The vast dietary needs of the Rili shrimp include algae wafers, biofilm, shrimp pellets, small frozen foods like daphnia, and vegetables. The variety of foods in their diet supports their vibrant colors in addition to keeping them active and healthy!
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
Some feeding tips to consider: Give the freshwater shrimp small portions of food 1-2x daily. Be proactive in preventing overfeeding as leftover food can quickly turn rancid affecting the quality of the tank water.
Keeping plenty of plants in the tank helps to ensure your shrimp has delicious food to snack on in case you do not feed them enough (e.g. algae and biofilm on the plants). Following this feeding guide for aquarium shrimp will ensure you boost the longevity and beauty of these majestic creatures.
Breeding Rili Shrimp: Steps for a Thriving Colony
Ready to expand on your shrimp family? Ready or not, here they come! Breeding colorful shrimp species like RIli Shrimp is relatively straightforward in favorable conditions. Like any other Neocaridina shrimp, the females carry the eggs under their belly abdomen area.
This video has been very helpful in identifying the sex of Neocaridina Shrimp, I highly recommend it:
Once the juveniles (who resemble tiny adult shrimp) arrive, they are treated like beings who have to pay taxes like everyone else—meaning they are on their own living independently. Rili Shrimp reproduction is enhanced by stable water quality with a slightly warm temperature.
Juvenile Rili Shrimp only require standard care as the adult Rili Shrimp. As mentioned, they are ready to start their life from birth such as scavenging and growing in your tank’s cozy ecosystem!
This Rili shrimp reproduction guide will ensure your tank is filled with more of these shrimp.
Choosing Compatible Tank Mates for Rili Shrimp
Finding the best tank mates for Rili Shrimp is not as simple as swiping on dating apps. It requires a background check to ensure your unproblematic shrimp are not with toxic tank creatures. Maintaining a harmonious tank community for shrimp plays a pivotal role in their longevity and happiness in the tank.
Naturally, Rili Shrimp do better in colonies, as they are social creatures, however, they cannot be in a tank with just anyone.
Their association standard is top tier. Ideal companions for these shrimp include small peaceful water creatures like small tetras, guppies, and nerite snails, which keep the vibe safe and chill.
Other non-aggressive shrimp species (such as other Neocaridina species) are preferred first choices to cohabit with Rili Shrimp, adding even more color and diversity.

On the flip side, be wary of larger, predatory fish! They do not believe in the philosophy “Fish are friends, not food”. Cichlids, larger tetras, goldfish, and any fish with a reputation for being aggressive should be avoided. Safe fish for shrimp cohabitation will leave your Rili Shrimp stress-free and allow them to thrive in peace.
Maintaining Health and Preventing Illness in Rili Shrimp
Although Rili Shrimp are resilient, preventative care for healthy shrimp goes a long way. These shrimp are sensitive to copper, so avoid any copper-based treatments in the tank such as tank plant fertilizers, tap water, etc. Regular water changes and consistent monitoring are crucial for identifying shrimp health issues early on.
Symptoms of your shrimp being ill include faded color, lethargy, or molting issues. If you sport any of these signs, act quickly to address the water quality or reduce stressors in the tank. Good water quality management for Rili Shrimp ensures they stay happy, healthy, and as bright as ever!
Check out Molting Shrimp 101: What to Expect, for more detailed information on avoiding molting problems for your pet shrimp!
Maximizing the Lifespan of Rili Shrimp

With proper care practices for long-lived shrimp, Rili Shrimp can live anywhere from 1-2 years. Factors like stable water quality, a balanced diet, and minimal stress are essential to extending Rili Shrimp’s lifespan. Consistency is key! These shrimp are as stable as a family with kids and a mortgage in the suburbs.
Maximizing aquarium shrimp life comes down to routine tank maintenance and a good diet, so set your Rili Shrimp up to win at life by keeping their tank clean, cozy, and free of sudden changes.
Conclusion: Quick Guide to Rili Shrimp Care
Whether you are new to the shrimp world or an aquarist expert, Rili Shrimp make a fantastic addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are unique shrimp with transparent patterns, ease of care and flamboyant colors make them desirable. With proper tank conditions, a balanced diet, and peaceful tank mates, you will be on track to cultivating a thriving colorful ecosystem.
This beginner guide to shrimp care offers everything you need to start hosting Rili Shrimp in your tank. These Rili Shrimp quick care tips help you get the information you need without irrelevant information. Following this aquarium shrimp overview will help you keep your new friends happy, healthy, and strikingly beautiful for everyone to appreciate!