7 Common types of freshwater aquarium algae (illustrated)

Green Hair Algae.

Algae growth in freshwater aquariums can be a frustrating ordeal for aquarists, leading to murky waters and unsightly tank conditions. Despite their nuisance, most algae species don’t directly harm fish, but they often indicate an imbalance in the tank environment. By understanding the causes of algae blooms and implementing proper maintenance practices, such as managing water and light parameters, aquarists can effectively combat algae overgrowth, come find out more.

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Ghost Shrimp Eggs 101

Ghost Shrimp with Eggs.

Recognizing the signs of impending birth in your ghost shrimp can initially seem like navigating a maze. However, fear not, for in this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about fertilized ghost shrimp eggs with clarity and simplicity.

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