As an aquarist seeking to elevate your skills, the transition to a more advanced setup can be both thrilling and daunting. Delve into the intricacies of creating the perfect brackish environment for your aquatic companions. This article explores essential topics such as salinity levels, specific gravity measurements, and the gradual acclimation of fish to their new habitat.
Water Care
In this section, you’d find helpful guides that focus on teaching you how to take proper care of your aquarium water. Remember that, essentially, we keep water and not fish in our tanks. Whether it’s green or cloudy water you’re having issues with — you’ll find the answer in this dedicated category.
8 Algae Eater Fish for a Clean Pond (+In Cold Climates)
Are you tired of battling stubborn algae outbreaks in your pond? You’re not alone. Algae can quickly take over, turning your serene oasis into a murky mess. But fear not, as I’ve ventured into the realm of algae eaters to bring you a comprehensive guide on fish species that can tackle this green menace head-on. These 8 aquatic heroes are ready to restore balance to your outdoor haven!
How to ERADICATE the Planaria worms in your aquarium?
Discovering white flatworms, seemingly appearing out of thin water in your fish tank, can trigger panic among aquarists. Planaria infestations are not uncommon, but dealing promptly with these intruders is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the identification and eradication of Planaria worms in your aquarium, offering practical methods and insights garnered from my own experiences in combating this nuisance.
3 Types of Tiny White Worms Found in a Freshwater Aquarium
In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries behind three types of tiny white worms commonly found in aquariums. From harmless detritus worms to potentially harmful planaria flatworms, understanding these creatures is crucial for maintaining a thriving aquatic ecosystem.
What to Do When There’s a Dead Fish in Your Tank?
Why Do Fish Die or Get Stressed After a Water Change?
Cleaning your aquarium and maintaining it in good shape is essential for its long-term success. But then why do fish suddenly die or get very stressed after a water change?Changing the water in the tank should be a good thing and not lead to shock or fish deaths. Or should it? So why are your fish dying right after you’ve changed the aquarium’s water?
5 Best UV sterilizers to CLEAR an aquarium (2024)
You’ve heard about the power of the ultraviolet spectrum, but should you trust your fish tank with it?
The 5 Best Aquarium Bacteria Supplements & Starters
The main aim when cycling your new fish tank is to make sure the aquarium is habitable. The best way to encourage this process is by introducing bottled bacteria that act as an aquarium cycle starter. If done properly the cycling will only take 2 weeks instead of the traditional 8 to 10. This is because the nitrogen cycle can be rushed with the right set of beneficial bacterial species.
Does Boiling Water Remove Chlorine and Chloramine?
How to Treat Ich Outbreaks in Your Freshwater Fish?
Ich, also known as ick, is one of the most prevalent diseases in the aquarium hobby and every fish keeper will deal with it at least once.