You’ve heard about the power of the ultraviolet spectrum, but should you trust your fish tank with it?
Gear & Tank Setups
This is where you’ll find help with different types of aquarium gear and equipment.
Learn how to choose the best products for your particular tank setup with the comprehensive guides found here.
In these guides, I will share my research and personal experience with anything from small heaters to large canister aquarium filters, and even premium LED lighting for plant or coral growth. No matter your level of experience there is something here to help you get started or improve as an aquarium hobbyist!
The Best Canister Filters for Each Gallon Tank Capacity (2024)
Aquarium filtration is arguably the most important aspect of keeping healthy fish. Two main factors impact what I’d consider the best canister filter for the gallon capacity of my fish tank. Namely, the fish I keep and the Gallon Per Hour (GPH) flow rate that my new filter is able to pump. Don’t know what I’m talking about?
The 5 Best Aquarium Bacteria Supplements & Starters
The main aim when cycling your new fish tank is to make sure the aquarium is habitable. The best way to encourage this process is by introducing bottled bacteria that act as an aquarium cycle starter. If done properly the cycling will only take 2 weeks instead of the traditional 8 to 10. This is because the nitrogen cycle can be rushed with the right set of beneficial bacterial species.
Does Boiling Water Remove Chlorine and Chloramine?
8 Best RO DI Systems For a Reef Tank (Pristine Water)
What Nitrate Levels Are Acceptable in a Saltwater Aquarium?
Knowing what to do when pollutants build up in your fish tank is key to maintaining healthy water quality for your aquatic pets.
What Causes High Nitrate in a Freshwater Aquarium?
Everything else could be going well in your freshwater fish tank until the nitrate levels shoot up, and things take a turn for the worse.
Nitrate Poisoning in Aquarium Fish: Causes and Cures
If you notice that your pet goldfish is grotesquely curled up then it’s definitely time to reassess the water quality in your aquarium.
How to Keep a Turtle Tank Hygienic & Clean?
Aquatic turtles are one of the messiest aquarium pets and no one wants their hobby to turn into a chore.
The 11 Best Betta Fish Tank Kits: Reviews for Beginners
Are you thinking about bringing home a Betta fish but unsure about the best tank setup? Look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial factors to consider when choosing the ideal tank for your Betta friend. From tank size to equipment essentials like filters and lighting, we cover it all to ensure your Betta thrives in its new environment.