19 Captivating Blue Aquarium Fish of All Types

A Blue Tang or Palette Surgeonfish AKA Dory.

Have you ever wondered why some colors are more difficult to find in nature? If you have, then you’ve probably come to the realization that blue is one of those colors, and is also one of the rarest colors for most types of aquarium fish.

This makes these blue-colored fish a well-sought commodity in the fishkeeping world. Such coloring is due to a black pigment combined with what’s known as “iridocytes” in the skin that makes the fish appear blue as a result of the incoming light.

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14 Transparent Aquarium Pet Fish (See-Through Species)

Blushing Skirt Tetra.

We as hobbyists have a wide range of options when it comes to creating a unique-looking tank. One of the options at our disposal is to diversify our setup with a transparent aquarium fish species. Although these see-through fish aren’t the most popular, as you’ll find out for yourself, they can be quite interesting and are relatively undemanding when it comes to care.

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8 Algae Eater Fish for a Clean Pond (+In Cold Climates)

Are you tired of battling stubborn algae outbreaks in your pond? You’re not alone. Algae can quickly take over, turning your serene oasis into a murky mess. But fear not, as I’ve ventured into the realm of algae eaters to bring you a comprehensive guide on fish species that can tackle this green menace head-on. These 8 aquatic heroes are ready to restore balance to your outdoor haven!

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