I can only assume that your fish tank is still battling that algae problem and you’ve finally decided to employ an “expert” cleaner to fight the intruder plant.
The Coolest & Most Exotic Freshwater Aquarium Fish
From the very start, as a beginner in fishkeeping, I’ve always had my eyes wide open for new compelling swimming pet buddies.
How to get rid of green aquarium water (algae bloom)?
You’ve got your new aquarium started and it’s been going great; your fish seem happy, active and everything seems like smooth sailing from here on out.
What Exactly is a Canister Filter and How Does it Work?
Best LED Grow Lights for Explosive Aquarium Plant Growth
LED aquarium lights will likely produce the most plant growth in a planted tank and are one of the best ways to achieve that. However, a comprehensive guide is needed to help with best utilizing them.
What Fish Tank Mates Will Get Along With a Betta?
The betta fish has long been perceived as a solitary creature, notorious for its aggressive tendencies towards tank mates. However, recent insights have shattered this misconception, revealing a realm of compatibility waiting to be explored. With careful consideration of tank size, decor, and the unique temperament of each betta, a harmonious community can be established.
9 Best Planted Tank Substrates (Aqua Soil or Inert)
With freshwater plants craving both light and nourishment, the substrate choice becomes paramount. But before you rush to bury your greenery in the first soil you find, consider this comprehensive guide. From the humble grains of sand to the nutrient-rich aqua soils, each substrate type has its own tale to tell, affecting not only the flora but also the entire ecosystem of your tank.
🌱Dwarf Hairgrass Care Guide: DENSE Carpet in 4 Weeks
In this comprehensive guide to dwarf hairgrass care, we delve into the intricacies of cultivating and maintaining this quintessential carpet plant. While the dwarf hairgrass may seem straightforward to care for at first glance, mastering its nuances is key to achieving thriving growth and a visually stunning aquascape.
14 Small & Big Freshwater Pet Sharks for a Home Aquarium
Ever since “Jaws” came out we’ve all had great respect for the shark, though most of us got familiar with this creature solely from the TV screen.
The 7 Best Aquarium Canister Filters Reviewed (2024)
When choosing something that will keep your fish tank clean you’ll need a little more than just a product description.