American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae): A Patriotic Beauty for Freshwater Aquariums 

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No need for chemical tank cleaners when you have natural algae-eaters like the American Flagfish to beautify your aquarium and keep it clean! This is a comprehensive guide including premium care, tank setup, health, and breeding tips for this species. 

American Flagfish, a colorful freshwater fish, in a well aquascaped nano tank 
American Flagfish, a colorful freshwater fish, in a well aquascaped nano tank 


Do you want your aquarium to look like the 4th of July every day? Then, I would interest you in this colorful freshwater fish that earned its reputation as a true patriotic beauty – the American Flagfish also known as the Florida Flagfish! 

One look at the flag-like red, white, and blue coloration on this killifish from Southeast America would make you feel like you should salute the Star Spangled Banner. 

This Jordanella floridae overview goes deep into the key features of this fish to show you that it’s a unique, peaceful, but hardy fish suitable for aquarists of all experience levels. You’ll also learn the best maintenance practices and breeding tips from this American Flagfish care guide. 

See Also: 20 Hair Algae Eaters for a SPOTLESS Aquarium for more algae hungry fish species.

Recognizing the Striking Patterns of American Flagfish 

Identifying American Flagfish, which is a type of killifish from the family Cyprinodontidae, in a sea of fish is easy because of its vivid red, white, and blue-green coloration despite being only ~2 inch (5 – 6 cm) long. 

But that’s not its most interesting physical feature. 

This species has a unique dimorphism that makes color intensity in males and females different!

Color Pattern

Yes, all Jordanella floridae appearance resemble each other being American flag, but the patterns aren’t uniform between sexes, as mentioned, or from fish based on heredity and health factors. 

A male American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae)
A male American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae)
Females Males 
Dull shades of green and brown with less red marks  Bright greenish-blue scales with red stripes and iridescent glow

Unique Traits 

Besides their obvious colorful aquarium fish traits, American Flagfish are natural algae-eaters. Meaning they can control algae growth without you resorting to chemicals. These fish chomp away at the most annoying hair algae outbreak I had some time ago.

Crafting the Perfect Aquarium for American Flagfish 

American Flagfish thrive in dense vegetation 
American Flagfish thrive in dense vegetation 

An ideal habitat for Jordanella floridae should mimic the slow-moving waters of Florida. Florida Flagfish (As American Flagfish are also called) can be naturally found in a pond, ditch, marsh, or stream with dense vegetation. In your home tank you’ll need clean water and natural lighting to complete the Floridian look alongside a well aquascaped layout. 

So, here’s how to build the perfect American Flagfish tank setup. 

Tank Size and Layout

Get a minimum of 20 gallons for a pair of adults and set the water flow to a slow, moderate current. Add plants to give the tank a dense look.

Keep reading for more info. 

Water Parameters 

Here are specific temperature, pH, and water hardness ranges in an ideal American Flagfish tank. 

Temperature 64 – 86℉
pH level6.5 – 8.5 
Hardness 6 – 20 dGH 

Without maintaining proper water parameters, the tank’s water quality can degrade, which can cause a wide range of issues from cloudy aquarium water to illness and mass die off.

Aquarium Decor 

Your planted freshwater aquarium design is the icing on the cake when building an ideal Floridian tank. 

  • Plants: Use floating aquatic plants like Water Lettuce to create shade, stem plants like Hornwort for hiding, leaf litter for density, rooted plants like Vallisneria for structure, and algae for natural grazing. 
  • Rocks: Only smooth and round stones that look like riverbeds or soft stones like marsh suit this pet. You can also use natural decor like coconut shells to create resting spots for breeding. 
  • Driftwood: Use this to encourage natural algae growth grazing and create hiding spots for your American Flagfish. 

See Also: Easy Aquarium Plants For Beginners to help get started aquascaping your American Flagfish tank!

Feeding American Flagfish: A Balanced Diet or Vibrant Colors 

American Flagfish looking for a snack
American Flagfish looking for a snack

Although American Flagfish have an algae-focused preference, that’s not the only food they need as omnivores. To get the best nutrition for vibrant aquarium fish, you must combine algae, plant matter, and protein-based foods in measured quantities. 

Use this Jordanella floridae diet guide for the best outcome. 

Diet Suggestions 

Serve your American Flagfish plant matter and algae as a staple food and supplement their diet with high-quality pellets, frozen and live foods like small invertebrates (brine shrimp), and blanched vegetables like sliced cucumber, spinach or zucchini. 

For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!

Feeding Tips 

Use a strict regimen when feeding American Flagfish. Give them enough portions to finish within a few minutes to prevent waste and overfeeding. 

Tank Mates for American Flagfish: Peaceful Coexistence 

American Flagfish in a community tank 
American Flagfish in a community tank 

You must consider the semi-aggressive trait and other unique features when choosing tank mates for American Flagfish. Feeding, environmental needs, size, and social habits all factor into the Jordanella floridae compatibility with other tank mates.  

I recommend some peaceful and resilient species for community aquarium setups.

Compatible Species 

  • Corydoras
  • Mollies
  • Danios 

Avoided Species 

Keep your American Flagfish away from long-finned fish like guppies, bettas, and species that hate slow-moving waters. 

Arthur’s Note: Be forewarned American Flagfish can be very aggressive. Remember those American Flagfish I mentioned that I had and that would happily chomp away at resilient hair algae, well once they sexually matured, they picked up a habit of chomping away at their tankmates! If you keep American Flagfish in a community tank be on the lookout for early signs of aggression and address them early.

Lifespan and Longevity of American Flagfish 

Jordanella floridae care essentials that’ll extend their lifespan up to 3 – 5 years are already in this guide, but here’s a summary in case you can’t identify them. 

Lifespan Factors

  • Diet: A balanced diet guarantees good health
  • Water Quality: pristine water conditions give your pets peace and comfort. 
  • Tank Maintenance: Ensures the overall well-being of this species. 

Care Tips for Longevity

More American Flagfish lifespan tips to maximize your pet’s lifespan are: 

  • Routine Tank Maintenance is the best way to ensure standard and optimal tank conditions. Remove uneaten food and change 30 -35% of the water weekly or bi-weekly. 
  • Health checks: Periodic health checks help you notice illnesses before they become fatal. 

Using this long-term fishkeeping guide means you’ll enjoy your American Flagfish’s company for 3-5 years at most. 

Breeding American Flagfish: From Eggs to Fry 

A breeding pair of American Flagfish
A breeding pair of American Flagfish

You can use the same parameters as a regular tank for breeding American Flagfish but focus on dense plantations and caves for spawning. 

This is where your identification knowledge becomes useful because you must choose at least one male and female adult American Flagfish to reproduce more of these patriotic species. 

Their breeding habits become relevant, and so do these tips for successful reproduction. 

Breeding Setup 

Useful Jordanella floridae spawning tips I recommend include using fine-leaved plants in the breeding tank. Also, a spawning mop should be added to the cave to give the eggs surfaces to adhere, and a sponge filter should be used to prevent them from going with the strong current during filtration. 

Fry Care Tips 

The fry will first eat their yolk sac once the eggs hatch in 5 to 10 days. Then, you must feed them powdered dry food, vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp, or infusoria until they grow strong enough to eat adult foods. 

Improper fry care for freshwater fish leads to health issues and malformations. So take this seriously and keep the tank maintenance optimal to accommodate their sensitive nature. 

Preventing Health Issues in American Flagfish 

American Flagfish face common health issues such as fin rot and stress caused by poor water conditions and low-quality maintenance. Aquarists need to do their best with American Flagfish health care. 

Adopt preventative measures by following the actionable tips in this guide, and also learn the common signs of illnesses to know when your pets need help and how to help them!

Preventative Measures

Preventing fish diseases is simple when you focus on the factors that can lead to common health issues. Keep the water clean, provide a balanced diet, reduce stress-inducing factors, and stabilize the water conditions. 

Signs of Illness

Three common signs that your American Flagfish is sick are: 

  • Physical Changes: Discoloration, Damaged fins, Spotted scales, and Cloudy Eyes  
  • Behavioral Changes: Appetite Loss, Lethargy, Erratic Swimming, and Scratching  
  • Breathing Issues: Rapid Gill Movement, Gasping, and Surface Swimming.  

Some freshwater fish wellness tips to tackle these symptoms include immediate quarantine of affected fish, a water change and adjustment of parameters, antibacterial or antifungal treatment for infections, and a visit to the vet if symptoms persist. 

See Also: How to Treat Ich Outbreaks in Your Freshwater Fish?


With these premium American Flagfish care tips, starting your community aquarium will be easy. Within no time, you can record your Jordanella floridae aquarium’s success journey and confidently maintain its vibrant appearance. 

Every level of aquarist who wants a natural tank cleaner will appreciate this vibrant algae-eating fish for its beauty and functionality. Remember, you can always scroll back up to refresh your memory on the best care tips for this American fish.

Happy fishkeeping!

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Momchil Boyanov is the Founder and now Senior Editor of AquAnswers. He has over 13+ years of experience in keeping home aquariums as well as providing professional aquarium services. Momchil has had his fair share of adventures in aquarium care. He has made MANY mistakes throughout his fishkeeping journey and thus learned A LOT. Through Aquanswers, Momchil shares knowledge about freshwater and saltwater aquariums with the people within this community.

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