Premium care for the delicate fins of Dumbo Ear Guppies including health treatments and successful breeding techniques.

The Unique Charm of Dumbo Ear Guppies
Are you searching for a striking ornamental fish to boost your aquarium tank on a budget? Then, let me introduce you to the Elephant Ear guppy or, as every hobbyist knows it, the Dumbo Ear guppy.
This unique aquarium fish is a variant of the freshwater guppy fish family but with dramatic fins and coloration that makes it stand out from the rest. Besides having a beautiful appearance, this species’ social behavior endears it to hobbyists who love keeping community tanks.
If you’re as fascinated by these large fin guppies as other aquarium lovers, this guide is for you.
Origins and Breeding Development of Dumbo Ear Guppies
Like many ornamental variants, the Dumbo Ear Guppy origins start from the late 19th to early 20th century, an era where fishkeeping and genetic experimentation were popular.
Many hobbyists sought to have better-looking fish than their counterparts, so they started the Guppy development and genetics modification wave. In a short while, their selective breeding paid off as ordinary wild guppies started developing striking appearances.
The Dumbo Ear guppy stood out for its fin development more than its coloration. Its pectoral fins spread larger than other variants, and they resembled large elephant ears. This fin structure gives this species graceful movement when swimming, which is mesmerizing for any onlooker.
Distinctive Physical Characteristics of Dumbo Ear Guppies

A closer look at the Dumbo Ear Guppy’s appearance helps you understand its unique care needs and why aquarists so love it. Let’s analyze these distinctive guppy traits one after the other.
Oversized Guppy Fins

The Dumbo Ear guppy got its literal name because of its oversized guppy fins. And that’s not the best part.
These fins are not ugly despite their size because of their elegant structure, which looks boneless, as it flows through the water. The pectoral fins drape over the Guppy’s small body and make it look larger than its 1.5 – 2 inches length.
Vibrant Guppy Colors

Another beautiful feature of this species is its vibrant, guppy colors, which span solid shades of yellow, red, and blue to patterns of multiple hues. The combination of its colorful scales and graceful fins makes the Dumbo Ear Guppy one of the most beautiful aquarium additions you can ever have.
So, isn’t it worth caring for them?
Essential Care Guidelines for Dumbo Ear Guppies
Caring for ornamental fish is a labor of love, so if you’re not willing to step out of your comfort zone for your pets, close this guide now.
Still here? I knew you were a good one. Here’s a comprehensive Dumbo Ear Guppy care guideline to help you give your pets the best life.
Ideal Water Conditions
Lay the foundation for maintaining guppy health by setting optimal water parameters. Remember, this fish is naturally from the South American freshwaters, so set the temperature between 75 – 82℉.
Next, you must maintain a pH level of 6.5 – 8, which is slightly neutral to alkaline, and keep it hard at 10 – 20 dGH. Once you’ve set the ideal water conditions, monitor the levels daily to prevent sudden fluctuations that can stress your Dumbo Ear guppy.
Creating the Perfect Tank Environment for Dumbo Ear Guppies
You must look back to the origins of your Dumbo Ear Guppy tank setup. We’re going to create a mini South American freshwater environment inside a tank using aquarium decor and the water condition tips I shared earlier. Are you ready?
Tank Size

Because the Dumbo Ear guppy is a small fish, you don’t need a large tank unless you’re keeping a sizable community. Get a rectangular 10-gallon tank per single Dumbo Ear guppy. It’ll allow the fish enough space to swim without displacing the decor or hurting its fins.
Use fine gravel or sand or smooth granite and pebbles for the tank’s base. These substrates are easy to clean and gentle on your pet’s scales. If you use harsh sand or stones, you risk health hazards from frequent accidents and injuries.
Natural or artificial plants are good options for enhancing the guppy environment and making it as Amazonian as possible. Some suitable live plants include Java Moss and Hornwort because they also serve as hiding spots and grazing areas.
Don’t forget to use driftwood and rocks to create caves and more hiding spots for your pets, especially if you’re building a community tank. It’ll need the hidden areas for private time when it doesn’t feel like interacting with other tank mates.
Keep the lighting moderate so that it’s not too bright for your fish’s scales and eyes but also enough to provide chlorophyll for the live plants.
Get a sponge filter to regulate a gentle flow while cleaning your tank water after feeding. You should also change about 25 to 30% of the water weekly in case there are leftovers the filter didn’t clean.
We’ve touched on tank size, substrates, decorating with aquarium plants, and filtration, and that’s all you need to know about the ideal tank setup. Your Dumbo Ear guppies now have a home, so let’s talk about their feeding, health, and possible breeding.
Feeding and Nutrition for Dumbo Ear Guppies
The Dumbo Ear guppy diet is omnivorous, meaning they eat plants and animals. You can feed them high-quality processed food like commercial flakes and pellets. But check the content and ensure they’re rich in protein and other nutrition for colorful fish.
Once you’ve settled on the staple, it’s time to add supplements like vegetables and fiber food because your pets must have a balanced, guppy diet. You can give your Dumbo Ear guppies brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
Feeding Routine
Feeding guppies for fin growth doesn’t mean you should overfeed your pets. Always pace their feeding between 8 hours daily. You can give them enough food that they’ll consume in under 3 minutes twice to three times daily.
The importance of this feeding routine is that random feeding will lead to waste, malnutrition, or obesity, all of which are health risks.

Health Concerns and Disease Prevention
If you follow the care tips in this guide, your Dumbo Ear Guppy’s Health is 99.9% guaranteed, but you still need to secure the remaining 0.1%. Clean tank environments and optimal water quality are good disease prevention in guppies, but your pets can still get sick.
There are some common guppy diseases they could get if you make mistakes in your tank maintenance or feeding and nutrition. Don’t worry, though. There’s a solution for every problem.
Take a look.
A parasitic infection that causes white spots on your fish’s scales.
Treatment: Use antiparasitic medication and change the water quality.
For more details checkout our article on How to Treat Ich Outbreaks in Your Freshwater Fish!
Fin Rot
Damaged fins are caused by poor water quality.
Treatment: Use antibacterial and antifungal creams, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and change the water quality.
Prevention of Diseases
- Building a proper tank that is in shape, size, and water condition is the first step in Guppy Fin’s health care. Then, you must also feed them protein filled food to strengthen their muscles and provide calcium for their bones.
- Quarantine new Dumbo Ear guppies before adding them to the tank to ensure they’re healthy and ready to join the others.
- Monitor your pets and note changes in behavior. That is the earliest sign of a health challenge.
Keeping guppies healthy is easy business as long as you’re willing to do the work. Speaking of work, breeding Dumbo Ear guppies is another aspect of caring for these pets that requires dedication.
Breeding Dumbo Ear Guppies: Key Insights

Breeding Dumbo Ear Guppies takes almost two months because the female guppies gestate for 28 days. So, if you’re ready, here’s what to do.
Breeding Setup
Get a separate 10-gallon tank, or if your tank is large (up to 30 gallons), create a boundary between the breeding side and the living area. Maintain the same water parameters as above and increase the number of plants because the fry needs enough hiding spots.
The Breeders
When selecting guppy breeding pairs, look for natural duos who gravitate to themselves. Choose mature female and male Dumbo Ear guppies as the breeders and give the females enough privacy to birth their live fry after 28 days of gestation.
This video has been very helpful in identifying the sex of Guppies, I highly recommend it:
You’ll notice their lower belly get fatter when pregnant, so separate them from the males at that point.
Fry Care
After birth, remove the female Dumbo Ear guppy from the breeding tank and take over the guppy fry care. Start by feeding the young fish infusoria, then graduate to powdered flakes and crushed pellets for fish fry.
As they grow larger, separate them by size to prevent larger ones from eating the smaller ones. Once they’re all mature, you can integrate them into the main tank, and by this time, you should’ve gotten a larger aquarium big enough for all your new Dumbo Ear guppies.
And that’s how you conduct a successful guppy breeding.
This part is for aquarists who love mixing different species and varieties in one tank. The Dumbo Ear Guppy behavior allows you to add them to a community tank, but you must be careful about the tank mates.
When choosing tank mates for guppies, you must first conduct a compatibility test. The points for determining community tank compatibility are:
- What are their physical traits?
- Do they have the same environmental needs?
- Do they have similar temperaments?
Dumbo Ear guppies have a delicate physical appearance, so keep them away from fin nippers.
They’ll do well with other freshwater species that are also peaceful aquarium fish. Examples of tank mates that fall tick all the boxes are Tetras, Platies, and other small, non-aggressive fish. Say no to cichlids like Oscars or Angelfish.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these aquarium fish care insights and are ready to add the Dumbo Ear guppy to your tank. Here’s a quick Dumbo Ear Guppy care summary for those of you who got lost along the way:
- Keep them in warm, alkaline waters.
- Feed them a balanced diet in controlled portions.
- Monitor their health daily.
- Prepare a separate tank for two months of breeding.
- Avoid fin-nipping tank mates.
That’s everything you need to know about enhancing your aquarium with guppies, especially the Dumbo Ear variant. If you have more ideas, please share them. Until next time!
For more Guppy varieties check out our article on 20 Popular Guppy Varieties!