Pearlscale Goldfish Guide: Care, Feeding, & Breeding Tips

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Pearlscale goldfish is one of the most beautiful breeds of goldfish with scales that glisten in the light. This unique goldfish has an appearance that keeps aquarists fascinated, making it a preferred choice in the community.

Discovering the Pearlscale Goldfish
Discovering the Pearlscale Goldfish

Discovering the Pearlscale Goldfish

The pearlscale goldfish is a round-bodied goldfish covered in pear-like scales, hence the name “pearlscale.” Caring for this variety of aquarium fish requires some specific needs, mainly because of its anatomy. This guide will make adding the pearlscale goldfish to your aquarium a breeze. 

History and Origin

The pearlscale goldfish history can be dated back to the early 20th century. It is a relatively new variety of ornamental fish that is selectively bred. Although the exact goldfish origin is unknown, they are believed to have developed in China or Japan.

Modern-day pearlscale goldfish development and breeding is performed mainly in England. As a result of selective breeding, its unique pearly scales and round body make it a favorite among aquarists around the world. 

Appearance and Characteristics

pearlscale goldfish appearance
pearlscale goldfish appearance

The pearlscale goldfish appearance is an enchanting sight. Its spherical body is one of the first you notice, accompanied by its cute fins.Its distinct pearl-like scales sets this goldfish apart.

They are nacreous (reflective) and arranged in rows, giving them a glittering and luminescent appearance. They have a single dorsal fin and paired fins at the front and back of its body. Its twin-tailed fin is also a remarkable feature, giving it a forked appearance. 

The pearscale goldfish comes in a wide variety of colors through selective breeding. These adorable goldfish color variations range from orange, red, black, calico, chocolate, and to red/white combinations. 

Diet and Feeding

Pearlscale goldfish are omnivores that thrive on a healthy diet. Some of the best food options for a suitable pearlscale goldfish diet include dry flakes and pellets fortified with calcium.

Vegetables such as frozen peas and cucumbers are suitable fish food options for this species. A proper goldfish feeding plan should have little protein, as it could cause health complications.

Another great way to maintain a balanced diet and healthy goldfish nutrition is by including live foods like brine shrimp or blood worms into their diet. Nutritional supplements containing vitamins and carotenoids are also a great addition to their diet. 

Habitat and Tank Requirements

How to set up a Pearlscale Goldfish tank
How to set up a Pearlscale Goldfish tank

A Pearlscale goldfish tank setup should be spacious and filtered. The minimum tank size should be 20 gallons for this goldfish; you can go up to a minimum 32 gallons to provide ample space for their comfort.

Water parameters must be set to optimum standard as these species are sensitive to sudden changes in water quality. To maintain a stable environment, keep the water temperature at 65°–75° F and a pH range of 0-8.0.

Another thing to consider is maintaining a calming goldfish habitat for your pet. Extra aquarium equipment, such as live plants, lighting, and a great filtration system, can achieve this.

Be sure to frequently test your water parameters using a master test kit similar to the one linked below: 

Health and Common Diseases

The pearlscale goldfish’s health is quite fragile and susceptible to disease. Some common goldfish diseases are white spot disease, swim bladder disease, fungus, and fin rot.

They are especially prone to swim bladder diseases if they are overfed or their water parameters are unstable.

Adopting measures for disease prevention is very important if you choose to keep this variety; maintaining premium water quality and installing a high-quality filtration system go a long way in ensuring fish health maintenance.

Goldfish healthcare advances like antibody production and antigen uptake enhancement are also a great way of protecting them.

Breeding Pearlscale Goldfish

In suitable conditions, pearlscale goldfish spawn easily. Preparing the right pearlscale goldfish breeding environment starts with providing a breeding tank large enough for goldfish reproduction.

Breeding conditions like the temperature and pH of the water must be set to conditions best for breeding. Spawning can last up to 3 hours, producing about 2,000 eggs at a time.

For proper goldfish fry care, separate the parents from the fry. If you encounter breeding challenges, there are a few recent breeding techniques with a higher success rate you can read up on.

Social Behavior and Compatibility

How do Pearlscale Goldfish behave
How do Pearlscale Goldfish behave

Pearlscale goldfish’s behavior makes them compatible with other goldfish. They are friendly and social fish, which rarely get aggressive unless they are competing for food.

To get the best fish compatibility, the most suitable tank mates are other slow-moving goldfish like the ranchus or fantails.

The pearlscale goldfish’s social traits and social interactions with other fish make them very attractive and preferred among the aquarium community.

Care Tips and Best Practices

With a few pearlscale goldfish care tips, caring for this goldfish is a breeze. The most crucial goldfish maintenance procedure involves regular tank cleaning and providing the best possible filtration.

Some of the best practices to adopt involve fish behavior monitoring in case of disease and healthy feeding habits. Recent advancements in aquarium technology have also proved helpful in giving the best care to your underwater pets.


With this pearlscale goldfish summary and care guide, you should better understand this unique goldfish species.

Pearlscale goldfish care is straightforward enough, even for beginners. For better aquarium fish enjoyment, it’s best to adopt fish care practices that are best suited for your daily life.

If you enjoyed this pearlscale goldfish maintenance recap, you are on track to successfully raising one.

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Momchil Boyanov is the Founder and now Senior Editor of AquAnswers. He has over 13+ years of experience in keeping home aquariums as well as providing professional aquarium services. Momchil has had his fair share of adventures in aquarium care. He has made MANY mistakes throughout his fishkeeping journey and thus learned A LOT. Through Aquanswers, Momchil shares knowledge about freshwater and saltwater aquariums with the people within this community.

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