Identifying the White Spots That Appear on Fish (illustrated)

Discovering unusual white spots on your beloved aquarium fish can be alarming. Whether they manifest as small dots or large patches, these spots could indicate the presence of a common pathogenic parasite known as ich or ick. However, not all white spots are caused by this parasite. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various reasons behind these skin diseases affecting your fish, and potential cures.

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The Best Coral Foods for Rapid Reef Tank Growth

Reef Tank

Embarking on the journey of maintaining a saltwater reef aquarium is a commitment that promises both challenges and rewards. As enthusiasts delve into the realm of coral care, questions inevitably arise: Liquid or pellet coral food? What nutrient sources are essential for SPS corals? Do LPS and soft corals require different nourishment? These questions, while common, can be daunting to answer. In this article, we explore five top-rated coral foods and supplements, answering these questions and more!

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Best LED Aquarium Lighting Units for Your Gallon Tank Capacity

This is a comprehensive list of the top 13 LED aquarium lights, their pros and cons, costs, and the factors that determine what makes a good aquarium light based on your individual needs. After their emergence, LED lights have dominated the market in the fishkeeping hobby, and there’s a reason for that. I’ve found that there are simply too many options of LED aquarium lighting available. This makes it hard for beginners to choose the best product for their setup. In this guide I will outline all kinds of factors you should take into account such as your tank’s dimensions, gallon capacity, and livestock.

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