Here’s a scenario for you: You take care of your aquarium by the book but suddenly there’s a strange black fuzzy growth that’s covering everything.
Getting Started & How-Tos
Here you’ll find dedicated guides about all things related to Getting Started and How-Tos for your aquarium. On this page, a beginner can get some creative ideas about different aquatic plants, saltwater and freshwater fish, as well as general care guidelines. The experienced hobbyist is not overlooked either as they will gain in-depth insights while examining the comprehensive guides in this section.
When I started in this hobby years ago, and even to today, the detail these articles provide would have saved me so much headache. Even to this day I refer to these articles when I set up or change a tank. Having all of this information in one place is truly invaluable, enjoy!
How Many Glofish Are Actually Recommended Per Gallon?
First of all, let me point out that the “inch per gallon” rule does not apply to Glofish. Moreover, that rule is not and will never be correct for any species of fish. Imagine putting a 10-inch fish in a 20-inch (10 gallons) tank. With good filtration, It will probably survive, true, but will it be happy?
Is the Common Super Glue Safe for Use in Aquariums?
Read this before using super glue in your aquariums. It’s understandable if you think that using glue around fish is a bad idea. However this article will teach you how to safely use glue from our extensive research and own personal experience while aquascaping.