Aquatic turtles are one of the messiest aquarium pets and no one wants their hobby to turn into a chore.
Getting Started & How-Tos
Here you’ll find dedicated guides about all things related to Getting Started and How-Tos for your aquarium. On this page, a beginner can get some creative ideas about different aquatic plants, saltwater and freshwater fish, as well as general care guidelines. The experienced hobbyist is not overlooked either as they will gain in-depth insights while examining the comprehensive guides in this section.
When I started in this hobby years ago, and even to today, the detail these articles provide would have saved me so much headache. Even to this day I refer to these articles when I set up or change a tank. Having all of this information in one place is truly invaluable, enjoy!
The 11 Best Betta Fish Tank Kits: Reviews for Beginners
Are you thinking about bringing home a Betta fish but unsure about the best tank setup? Look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial factors to consider when choosing the ideal tank for your Betta friend. From tank size to equipment essentials like filters and lighting, we cover it all to ensure your Betta thrives in its new environment.
13 Easiest Fish to Take Care of in a Low Maintenance Aquarium
Once you learn the ropes about aquarium upkeep, everything else gradually falls into place, and the hobby doesn’t seem like a daunting task anymore.
7 Best Filters for Your Turtle Tank & its Gallon Capacity
While researching the pet turtles for your home aquarium you find out that they are noticeably messy.
Best Rocks for Elegant & Risk-Free Decor in a Cichlid Tank
In their natural habitats, cichlids like to relax, breed, or hide in secluded places and that’s why they become timid, stressed, or aggressive if they have to dwell in a bare tank with no hideaways.
The 5 Best CO2 Regulators for a Stable Planted Aquarium
It’s no secret that aquatic plants need carefully regulated amounts of Carbon Dioxide to thrive.
The Best Coral Foods for Rapid Reef Tank Growth
Embarking on the journey of maintaining a saltwater reef aquarium is a commitment that promises both challenges and rewards. As enthusiasts delve into the realm of coral care, questions inevitably arise: Liquid or pellet coral food? What nutrient sources are essential for SPS corals? Do LPS and soft corals require different nourishment? These questions, while common, can be daunting to answer. In this article, we explore five top-rated coral foods and supplements, answering these questions and more!
Best LED Aquarium Lighting for Reef Tank Corals (2023)
Looking after a reef tank at home requires dedication, profound knowledge, and having the right equipment.
9 Best Aquarium Fertilizers for THRIVING Aquatic Plants
Transform your planted aquarium into a vibrant underwater paradise with the right commercial products. This guide will teach you how the right blend of micronutrients and macronutrients can unleash the full potential of your aquatic plants. From low-maintenance setups to high-tech aquariums, find the perfect fertilizer to nourish your aquatic flora!
20 Smallest Freshwater Aquarium Micro Fish That STAY Small
Are you looking to add some life to your small aquarium? Wondering how to choose the perfect inhabitants for your cozy aquatic space? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of nano species. Discover the joys of creating a miniature underwater paradise.