From its black smudge spots to its iridescent blue-green scales, discover the beauty of this rare freshwater Corydoras species, C. Similis, and learn how to care for them in your home aquarium.

With over a hundred Corydoras species, choosing one of the best small catfish for your home aquarium can be challenging.
You may choose a popular species or highlight your tank with a rare freshwater bottom-dweller like Similis Corydoras (Corydoras similis). Although lesser-known, this species is a beautiful catfish with a unique, iridescent dark horizontal stripe.
They’re like other small Corydoras with their peaceful nature and social behavior which makes them suitable for community aquariums. If you’re looking for something different yet familiar, check out this Similis Corydoras overview.
Author’s Note: Check out our article on the 14 Types of Corydoras Catfish: A Guide to Hardy and Playful Freshwater Fish for even more types of Corydoras.
Introducing The Similis Corydoras

Similis Corydoras have distinguishing features on their body that separate them from other 2-inch (5cm) long Corys despite having the same shape.
Color Pattern
This species has a blue-green or light gray base color with a deep black smudge on its eye and tail base. Some Similis Corydoras appear textured because of the faint specks on their bodies despite having transparent and tinted yellow fins.
Unique Traits

Despite having the regular Corydoras look, Similis Corys have unique fin shapes and body features that separate them from similar small Corydoras like C.elegans, C.metae, and C. napoensis. Corydoras similis have shorter dorsal fins, forked tail fins, large round eyes, and normal barbels for foraging food.
Unlike other Corydoras, Similis species swim in darting motions for short distances despite enjoying the schooling experience. They also gulp air from the surface after swimming at the bottom for a long time. Now, here’s how you can create the perfect environment for them.
Creating the Ideal Tank Setup for Similis Corydoras
Create a familiar environment for your pets by mimicking their natural habitat, including substrates, decor, water parameters, filtration, and flow. The best aquarium setup for Similis Corydoras starts with the proper tank size and grouping since this is a schooling species.
Tank Size & Grouping
You’re now considering where to start your freshwater fish tank preparation, so let’s get into business. Pick the right tank size to accommodate at least six Similis Corydoras without bumping into each other during group swimming.
Because of their 2 – 3-inch bodies, a 15-gallon wide tank is ideal for a group of six. Add 10 extra gallons per new group for a comfortable, larger school.
Substrate & Decor
Use fine sand on the substrate to prevent barbel damage while the corys forage for food. Add driftwood, caves, and aquatic plants as aesthetic but practical decor.
The driftwood provides tannins to soften the water, caves and tall plants like Java Fern and Amazon Swords create shelter, while moss protects the Corydoras from jumping out when they swim to the surface to gulp air.
Water Conditions
The ideal water parameters for South American catfish should be cool but not cold, slightly acidic, well-aerated, and soft to moderately hard.
Temperature | 72 – 79°F |
pH Level | 6.0 – 7.5 |
Hardness | 2 – 15 dGH |
Without maintaining proper water parameters, the tank’s water quality can degrade, which can cause a wide range of issues from cloudy aquarium water to illness and mass die off.
Filtration & Flow
Moderate water flow mimics their natural habitat’s rivers and supports healthy activity levels. But be sure that they’ll swim gracefully without getting sucked in by heavy currents.
It’s best to use moderate filters made of sponge or single canister for gentle filtration that still cleans the water.
It’s time to dissect Similis Corydoras’ active, schooling nature and how they interact with their other tank mates.

The schooling behavior of bottom-dwellers keeps them happy, healthy, and confident while entertaining their keepers. When Similis Corydoras swim in groups, they feel safe enough to express themselves and perform natural activities.
Activity Levels
Your pets will search for food while exploring the substrate and their tank environment. Sometimes, their exploration takes them midwater, giving onlookers a better view of their Similis Corydoras’ personality traits.
Interaction with Tank Mates
Despite its active and social personality, this species is a peaceful community catfish, but its survival depends on compatibility with other non-aggressive fish. Similis Corydoras avoiding their tank mates instead of engaging them is a sign of incompatibility.
Selecting the Best Tank Mates for Similis Corydoras
Corydoras similis makes ideal community fish for planted tanks because of their unique traits, such as cleaning the substrate. At the same time, they forage, interact with their environment, and socialize with tank mates.
Here’s a list of compatible tank mates and species you should avoid.
Best Companions

Peaceful fish such as neon tetras, rasboras, kuhli loaches, and other Corydoras species are the best tank mates for Similis Corydoras since their size, temperament, and needs are similar.
Avoided Aggressive Species
Larger cichlids or fin-nipping fish, such as Tiger Barbs, that may cause stress should not be in the tank with Similis Corydoras.
Invertebrate Compatibility
Fish species aren’t the only ideal companions for bottom-feeders like Similis Corydoras. They can also co-exist with Shrimp and Snails like Cherry Shrimp and Nerite Snails.
A detailed feeding plan to ensure proper nutrition and vibrant health
Dietary Preferences
Similis Corydoras are omnivorous but need a protein-rich diet for muscle development and growth. This bottom-feeder fish diet guide will help you provide a balanced yet varied diet.
Recommended Foods
Sinking pellets, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetable-based supplements are the best food for Similis Corydoras.
For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!
Feeding Schedule
Follow this Similis Corydoras feeding schedule by mimicking their natural habits, such as eating at dusk or dawn and sifting through sandy substrates. Feed them sinking pellets as staples once to twice daily, supplements twice weekly, and treats occasionally.
Serve food portions in quantities they can finish in under 2 minutes to reduce the risk of malnutrition and overfeeding.
Breeding Similis Corydoras: A Step-by-Step Guide

Knowing breeding triggers, spawning behaviors, and proper fry care helps with breeding Similis Corydoras successfully.
Spawning Conditions
All Corydoras species reproduce during the rainy season, so you must simulate your aquarium’s conditions to trigger spawning. Firstly, ensure the tank conditions match the recommendation above, then make necessary adjustments for cooler conditions.
The best conditions for spawning Corydoras include:
- Drop in temperature by 2 – 3°F
- Large water changes daily
- Increase protein intake and
- Increase oxygenation
Now, wait for the breeders to mate.
Egg Laying & Protection
Male Corydoras species fertilize the female’s eggs while holding them in a T-position. After fertilization, the eggs become sticky, and the females attach them to smooth surfaces in the tank.
Remove the adults immediately from the tank to prevent them from eating their young.
Fry Rearing
Freshwater catfish fry care is the same for all species—keep the water clean and feed your juveniles adequately for healthy development. In the first few days, they’ll eat infusoria, liquid fry food, and finely crushed baby brine shrimp.
Common Health Issues & Preventative Care for Similis Corydoras
Following the rules in this guide is the best Similis Corydoras disease prevention you can give your pets. Note common illnesses and safe treatment methods to ensure your pets survive if they get sick despite your best efforts.
Common Illnesses
Most of your pet’s risk of illnesses comes from mismanaging their care. They may get Barbel erosion from harmful substrates, bacterial infections from poor water quality, and stress-related diseases from poor environments, including aggressive tank mates.
Prevention Techniques
Keeping pristine water quality, stable temperatures, and a well-balanced diet are the best practices for healthy catfish.
Safe Treatment Methods
Use fish-safe medications for sensitive Similis Corydoras and quarantine procedures for sick individuals to prevent disease spreading.
Lifespan & Long-Term Care: How to Keep Similis Corydoras Thriving
Every aspect of your fish’s lifestyle influences their longevity. You can maximize your Similis Corydoras’ lifespan by providing the best care for them, from their living condition to their diet and nutrition.
Expected Lifespan
If you invest in long-term care for freshwater catfish, they can live up to 5 – 8 years.
Water Stability & Maintenance
Ensuring consistent water quality reduces stress and gives them a healthy environment in which to thrive.
Diet & Nutrition
Strengthen their immunity with a well-balanced diet.
The Corydoras species maintenance tips in this guide are enough for you to start your Similis Cory aquarium as a beginner or pro.
Keeping Similis Corydoras in a home aquarium should no longer scare you after reading this guide. You have enough information to achieve success where others fail. Let’s review this freshwater catfish stocking guide once more before saying goodbye.
Similis Corydoras is one of the best species for beginners because of its beautiful appearance, peaceful behavior, and suitability for community tanks. You only need to provide adequate care, such as keeping them in groups, maintaining a proper diet, and providing a well-structured tank for a thriving, happy fish.
Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below when you start building your Similis Corydoras aquarium.