Panda Corydoras: (Hoplisoma Panda): The Playful Bottom-Dweller for Your Aquarium 

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Panda Corydoras are a beginner-friendly bottom dweller perfect for your community aquarium. In this article you will be mesmerized by their synchronized swimming as we detail how to care for these lovable pet fish. 

Panda Corydoras in their aquascaped planted tank
Panda Corydoras in their aquascaped planted tank


Do you wonder what keeping a small, peaceful catfish in your aquarium community tank is like? Well, this Panda Corydoras care guide simplifies the process for you. 

Many aquarists love this freshwater bottom dweller for its contrasting black-and-white pattern, calmness, and active scavenging behavior, which makes it the complete aquatic pet. They’ll also beautify your tank by providing a maintenance crew that will happily clean-up your tank. 

Author’s Note: Check out the 14 Types of Corydoras Catfish: A Guide to Hardy and Playful Freshwater Fish for our favorite Corydoras picks!

Understanding Panda Corydoras’ Social Behavior 

Panda Corydoras are the best fish for community aquariums because of how they school and their peaceful temperament. They thrive in groups of 6 and remain playful and active whether feeding or socializing. 

Here’s a breakdown of compatible Panda Corydoras tank mates and why they’re necessary. 

Schooling Requirement 

Panda Corydoras schooling in a large group
Panda Corydoras schooling in a large group

The social behavior of Corydoras in their natural wild habitat led to their preference for schooling, as being around other fish improves their overall well-being. They’ll naturally entertain you with synchronized swimming and interaction with their environment. 

Without schooling, Panda Corydoras withdraw into hiding and get stressed and shy, making them depressed or prone to illness. 

Tank Mates 

You must also choose only compatible Panda Corydoras tank mates like Guppies, small plecos, freshwater shrimp, Tetras, Rasboras, and dwarf cichlids. These species have similar sizes, environmental needs, and personalities that suit your pet’s needs. 

Be mindful, however, when introducing new tankmates to remain vigilant as to any aggressive behavior. And be sure to avoid fin-nippers or aggressive fish like large Cichlids, hyperactive bettas, and large goldfish

Setting Up the Ideal Tank for Panda Corydoras 

After choosing your Panda Corydoras and their tank mates, it’s time to create ideal aquarium conditions for them. To mimic their natural habitat, corydoras must have a specific tank size with fine, soft sand, gentle filtration, hiding spots, and decor. The details of which will be discussed below.

Tank Size 

Mature Panda Corydoras are about 2 inches (5cm) long, so to accommodate a school of six, you’ll need a minimum tank size of 10 – 15 gallons. Follow these parameters for optimal comfort. 

Without maintaining proper water parameters, the tank’s water quality can degrade, which can cause a wide range of issues from cloudy aquarium water to illness and mass die off.

Temperature 72 – 78℉
pH 6 – 7.5
HardnessSoft to moderately hard

Building the best tank setup for Panda Corydoras depends on how well you combine aesthetics and comfort. 


Panda Corydoras have sensitive barbels, so they need soft sand or fine gravel substrate to prevent damage. 

Decor & Plants 

Your Corydoras habitat needs the best freshwater fish tank decor! Use low lighting and enough hiding spots to make them comfortable and exhibit their natural behaviors. Plants like Java Fern and aquarium moss can be used for shade and breeding spots, while coconut shells or smooth rocks form caves. 

Feeding Guide: What Do Panda Corydoras Eat? 

A Corydoras’ diet and nutrition must support their health and activity levels, so you can’t just rely on their love for scavenging. They survive on an omnivorous diet consisting of animal and plant matter. 

Diet Suggestions 

Panda Corydoras sifting through sandy substrate to feed on left over food
Panda Corydoras sifting through sandy substrate to feed on left over food

Because you’re feeding bottom-dwelling fish, you must get sinking foods, like algae wafers which my corydoras absolutely love! Then, supplement their meals with frozen and occasional live foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp for protein. 

For more on feeding your aquatic pets check out The Ultimate Guide to Fish Food: Pros and Cons & Best Choices!

Feeding Tips 

A healthy balance of all essential nutrients is the best food for Panda Corydoras. Feed them staples only twice daily in small portions they can finish in under 2 minutes. Then, add supplements once to twice weekly. 

Remove uneaten food after 24 hours to prevent overfeeding and water contamination. 

Breeding Panda Corydoras: Encouraging Natural Spawning 

Young Panda Corydoras parked on a rock
Young Panda Corydoras parked on a rock

Do you love having this species in your tank? Follow these Panda Corydoras breeding tips to add to your panda community. You’ll need optimal water conditions, diet, and a the following breeding conditions for success. 

Breeding Conditions

Panda Corydoras breeding pairs need slightly acidic to neutral water to stimulate breeding. Start the tank at a cool temperature, then make it cooler to trigger spawning. Also, shift their diet to more protein based matter for development. And be sure to pair your breeding Panda Corydoras at a ratio of 2:1 female to male.

Temperature Breeding 72 – 75℉ | Spawning 68 – 70℉
pH 6.0 – 7.0 
Hardness Soft
Filtration Sponge Filter, Gentle Current 
Plants Anubias, Java Fern
Diet High-protein 

Egg Laying & Hatching 

This freshwater fish’s reproduction process differs slightly from the common egg-laying then fertilization method. Female Panda Corydoras hold their eggs near their pelvic fins for fertilization from the male before attaching them to the tank surface. 

They lay between 20 – 100 eggs at this stage, after which you must remove adult fish from the tank or move the eggs but the adults are a bit easier to move. If the eggs are not separated from the adult fish it is likely they will be eaten, even by their own parents.

Next, we discuss how to hatch Corydoras eggs! Using the breeding parameters mentioned earlier, you’ll then adjust the tank’s temperature to a warmer degree slightly. And within 3 – 5 days, depending on the warmth, your fry will emerge. 

The final stage is fry care, where you’ll feed your young pets infusoria and liquid food first, then finely crushed baby brine shrimp. Consistently change their water, ensure pristine conditions while the fry grows, and observe their healthy closely. 

Keeping Panda Corydoras Healthy: Common Issues & Prevention 

Panda Corydoras exhibiting Barbel erosion 
Panda Corydoras exhibiting Barbel erosion 

Common Panda Corydoras’ health problems center around poor maintenance. So, providing clean water, a balanced diet, and stress-free conditions helps prevent freshwater fish disease. But if you make a mistake, note these common issues. 

Common Issues 

  • Barbel Erosion: Improper diet and contaminated water affect your pet’s physical appearance, including that of its barbels. Improve their diet and change 30% of the water. 
  • Poor Water Quality Sensitivity: Check the water parameters for optimal levels. 
  • Stress-related Illnesses: Ensure their tank mates are compatible. 

Preventative Care 

This guide contains the best care practices for Corydoras, from performing regular water changes to stabilizing their conditions, designing a safe environment with smooth substrate, and keeping compatible companions only.

All you have to do is follow these tips to reduce the risk of illness. 

How Long Do Panda Corydoras Live? Extending Their Lifespan 

Panda Coydoras schooling happily
Panda Coydoras schooling happily

The Panda Corydoras lifespan typically lasts 5 – 10 years with proper care. However, their longevity depends on key factors that impact their well-being, like water quality, diet, and social grouping. 

Lifespan Factors

Ensure you’re giving your pets the best possible care at all times. Scroll back up for details on the right conditions and tips on how to keep Corydoras healthy. 

Care Routine   

Freshwater fish long-term care consists of consistent tank maintenance, high water quality, and observation of your pets for signs of illnesses. 


So, to answer the first question in this guide, “Why keep Panda Corydoras?” – choose this species because it’s the ultimate bottom-dweller. They make excellent community tank fish due to their friendly temperament, ease of care, and playful nature. 

If this is your first attempt at keeping Panda Corydoras with other companions, you can scroll back up to see some community tank fish recommendations. Remember that proper grouping influences their natural social behavior, and they also need optimal tank conditions with suitable feeding routines. 

Reading this review is the perfect introduction to this beginner-friendly aquarium fish, so you’re on the right path! We can’t wait to hear about your experience in the comment box below. 

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Momchil Boyanov is the Founder and now Senior Editor of AquAnswers. He has over 13+ years of experience in keeping home aquariums as well as providing professional aquarium services. Momchil has had his fair share of adventures in aquarium care. He has made MANY mistakes throughout his fishkeeping journey and thus learned A LOT. Through Aquanswers, Momchil shares knowledge about freshwater and saltwater aquariums with the people within this community.

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