This is a comprehensive list of the top 13 LED aquarium lights, their pros and cons, costs, and the factors that determine what makes a good aquarium light based on your individual needs. After their emergence, LED lights have dominated the market in the fishkeeping hobby, and there’s a reason for that. I’ve found that there are simply too many options of LED aquarium lighting available. This makes it hard for beginners to choose the best product for their setup. In this guide I will outline all kinds of factors you should take into account such as your tank’s dimensions, gallon capacity, and livestock.
Saltwater Aquarium
This resource page contains a collection of in-depth articles about topics concerning saltwater and reef aquariums in general.
I also have a page specifically for saltwater fish ideas where you can check out different types of fish and some good combinations for your new tank.
Browsing through this section is recommended for both beginner and advanced aquarists.
Learn how to set up or improve your marine tank at home:
Best GFO and Carbon Media Reactors for a Stable Reef Tank
Cloudy Aquarium Water: Why it Happens and How to Clear it?
Beyond mere aesthetics, cloudy water poses risks to aquatic life due to spikes in ammonia levels, increased acidity, and oxygen depletion. Understanding the mechanisms behind cloudy water is crucial for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. This article explores solutions—from mindful feeding and substrate cleaning to the use of UV sterilizers—aquarists can effectively use to address and prevent cloudy water.
How to get rid of green aquarium water (algae bloom)?
You’ve got your new aquarium started and it’s been going great; your fish seem happy, active and everything seems like smooth sailing from here on out.
20 Hair Algae Eaters for a SPOTLESS Aquarium
Algae come in many varieties and forms and more often than not, they are uninvited intruders rather than beautiful aquascape additions.
Cause (+ Cures) for a Fish That’s Floating Upside-Down But is Still Alive?
Witnessing your beloved pet fish swimming upside down can be perplexing, sparking a flurry of questions about its health and well-being. If your aquatic companion exhibits this unusual swimming pattern, it clearly indicates underlying issues. Understanding the root causes behind this condition and implementing timely treatment measures are crucial for restoring your fish’s vitality.
The Honest Truth About Black Diamond Blasting Sand Safety in Aquarium
That black sandblasting sand will look amazing under your aquatic plants, right? But is Black Diamond blasting sand planted tank-safe? What about your fish? The media’s used for polishing, after all, wouldn’t it be too sharp? Can it hurt your bottom-dwellers?
Tips for Buying the Best 125-Gallon Aquarium Light
Having a 125-gallon fish tank is presumably the next level of fishkeeping, and, boy, can it be rewarding.
How Long Does it Take for Free Chlorine to Evaporate From Tap Water Entirely?
Surely many aquarists have heard that chlorine will leave faucet water after some time. But exactly how long does it take for tap water with Chlorine to be safe for fish? Can the clearance be full without the use of chemicals? What about Chlorine’s cousin – Chloramine? These questions and more will be answered in this article!