Betta fish, renowned for their vibrant colors and distinctive fin displays, are often considered an ideal choice for low-maintenance pets. From tank setup and nutrition to water quality maintenance, this comprehensive guide shines a light on the question, revealing the answer to if keeping a Betta Alive is easy.
Freshwater Aquarium
Here you’ll discover a collection of detailed articles about topics concerning freshwater aquariums in general.
Some hot sub-categories that you might want to check out are my fish setup ideas and Betta fish guides.
Browsing through this section is recommended for both beginner and advanced aquarists.
You can also take a look at the general fish keeping guides.
So let me show you how to set up or improve your freshwater tank at home!
The Altum Angelfish: A Comprehensive Profile of this Enigmatic Beauty
The Altum Angelfish, a true icon of elegance in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Join us as we unravel the mystique of the Altum Angelfish, exploring its natural habitat, unique characteristics, and optimal care requirements.
Axolotl Tank Size Explained (+ Tips For Beginners)
Axolotl’s are exotic pets to keep and are known to be one-of-a-kind. If you’re looking to expand your expertise on unique pets, then this ever-smiling amphibian is the way to go!
The 11 Best Large Freshwater Fish for Aquarium Keeping
7 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Complete Beginners
Are you delving into the world of aquarium keeping and wondering which freshwater fish would be the perfect fit for your new tank? Selecting the ideal fish, especially for beginners, involves finding a balance between hardiness, captivating appearance, and fascinating behavior. In this comprehensive guide, I’ve curated a list of the top seven freshwater aquarium pet fish tailored specifically for novice enthusiasts. So, let’s dive in and explore the diverse array of options that await you in the realm of freshwater fishkeeping.
How big do axolotls get when full-grown? + Tank size tips
So you decided that it’s time to research your new pet and an obvious question popped up. How big do axolotls get in captivity and therefore what tank size do they need for a comfortable life?
9 Extremely Rare Types of Betta Fish
10 Types of Colorful African Cichlids
How to deal with a pest snail infestation in your aquarium?
Dealing with a snail infestation in your aquarium can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. In this insightful post, I share firsthand experiences and practical advice on how to combat these unwelcome invaders. From manual removal techniques to setting up snail traps and introducing snail-eating fish, each method is carefully explained, offering priceless insights.