Fish can be fickle creatures when it comes to company, so it’s not always easy to diversify your aquarium as you see fit.
Getting Started & How-Tos
Here you’ll find dedicated guides about all things related to Getting Started and How-Tos for your aquarium. On this page, a beginner can get some creative ideas about different aquatic plants, saltwater and freshwater fish, as well as general care guidelines. The experienced hobbyist is not overlooked either as they will gain in-depth insights while examining the comprehensive guides in this section.
When I started in this hobby years ago, and even to today, the detail these articles provide would have saved me so much headache. Even to this day I refer to these articles when I set up or change a tank. Having all of this information in one place is truly invaluable, enjoy!
Water dog VS Axolotl – what’s the difference?
What’s the Best Place to Buy Aquarium Plants Online?
This article explores the best places to purchase aquatic plants online for your fish tank. It reviews several reputable online stores, highlighting their variety, pricing, delivery, and customer service. The article offers practical tips for selecting plants, such as evaluating delivery times, checking reviews, and testing quality with small orders. It emphasizes the ease of sourcing live plants online and encourages readers to share their experiences.
16 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish in the World
One of the biggest reasons why I love this hobby is the sheer beauty that an aquarium can add to any living space.
10 Most Expensive Betta Fish Breeds Ever Sold
Is a Pet Fire Eel Dangerous to Its Human Owner?
What Do You Need for a Freshwater Fish Tank? (Checklist)
Embarking on the journey of starting your first aquarium can be a daunting task, but fear not! With a solid understanding of the basic necessities and their functions, you’ll soon be well-equipped to create a thriving freshwater tank. Whether you’re envisioning a tranquil underwater oasis or a bustling community of aquatic life, the key lies in selecting the right equipment tailored to your needs.
How Often to Feed a Betta Fish? (Feeding Schedule Example)
Feeding your Siamese Fighting fish the right amount and type of food is crucial for its overall health and well-being. Overfeeding can lead to various complications, including digestive issues and a bloated belly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything from live and frozen treats to pellets and flakes, and provide a sample feeding schedule to ensure your pet remains healthy and vibrant.
The Top 11 Schooling Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Watching a group of fish that swim together in unison can bring a feeling of order to even the most chaotic aquascape.