Get the ideal pet turtle for your decorative pond or home aquarium by understanding the different species that are easy to domesticate and their unique care needs, including tank requirements and diet, all from this one comprehensive guide.
Getting Started & How-Tos
Here you’ll find dedicated guides about all things related to Getting Started and How-Tos for your aquarium. On this page, a beginner can get some creative ideas about different aquatic plants, saltwater and freshwater fish, as well as general care guidelines. The experienced hobbyist is not overlooked either as they will gain in-depth insights while examining the comprehensive guides in this section.
When I started in this hobby years ago, and even to today, the detail these articles provide would have saved me so much headache. Even to this day I refer to these articles when I set up or change a tank. Having all of this information in one place is truly invaluable, enjoy!
Pacific Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum): The Stunning Striped Icon of Marine Aquariums
You’ll definitely fall in love with the Pacific Sailfin Tang at first sight. Why? Get ready to discover more about this fish, its habitat, diet, and care tips for these saltwater aquarium beauties!
Are Guppies Difficult To Keep?
Guppies, with their bright colors and beautiful patterns, can liven up just about any aquarium. If you’re considering adding guppies to your aquatic family, you may be wondering if they are difficult to keep. The good news is that guppies are generally easy to care for and are widely available, making them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced fishkeepers alike.
Royal Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma panamense): A Graceful Addition to Your Aquarium
Build your community tank with this unique bottom-dweller, the Royal Whiptail Catfish. Sit back and have this algae-eating peaceful fish naturally clean your tank.
True Black Molly (Poecilia sphenops): The Sleek Beauty of Freshwater Aquariums
In this article you will learn interesting facts about True Black Molly fish and provide your pets with the best aquarium care suitable for its unique features.
Juvenile Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri): A Dynamic Cleaner for Freshwater Aquariums
Can Dottybacks Live With Clownfish?
Alenquer Tiger Pleco (Panaqolus L397): A Vibrant Striped Gem for Your Aquarium
American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae): A Patriotic Beauty for Freshwater Aquariums
No need for chemical tank cleaners when you have natural algae-eaters like the American Flagfish to beautify your aquarium and keep it clean! This is a comprehensive guide including premium care, tank setup, health, and breeding tips for this species.
How Aggressive Are Convict Cichlids?
Convict cichlids, scientifically known as Amatitlania nigrofasciata, are small but feisty fish that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the levels of aggression exhibited by convict cichlids, understand the factors influencing their aggressive behavior, and provide tips for managing their aggression effectively.