I can only assume that your fish tank is still battling that algae problem and you’ve finally decided to employ an “expert” cleaner to fight the intruder plant.
Fish Keeping Guides
Here you’ll find a collection of comprehensive guides focusing on the care aspect of fishkeeping. Learn how to look after any particular species of pet fish while informing yourself about their key characteristics. Also, learn which fish can get along with each other in the same tank.
What Fish Tank Mates Will Get Along With a Betta?
The betta fish has long been perceived as a solitary creature, notorious for its aggressive tendencies towards tank mates. However, recent insights have shattered this misconception, revealing a realm of compatibility waiting to be explored. With careful consideration of tank size, decor, and the unique temperament of each betta, a harmonious community can be established.
A Guide (+ Chart) to Choosing Glofish Tank Mates
You’ve been enjoying the magnificence of your Glofish for some time, but now you’ve decided to add some diversity to the picture.
Rubber Lipped Pleco: Care and Species Guide for Beginners
Lately, you’ve been dreaming of having your own suckermouth pleco, but don’t really want to look after a 2 feet long monster.
How Many Glofish Are Actually Recommended Per Gallon?
First of all, let me point out that the “inch per gallon” rule does not apply to Glofish. Moreover, that rule is not and will never be correct for any species of fish. Imagine putting a 10-inch fish in a 20-inch (10 gallons) tank. With good filtration, It will probably survive, true, but will it be happy?