Looks never tell the full story, and Bandit Corydoras is a perfect example. This freshwater fish looks tough, but it’s really a playful, social, and active substrate cleaner that makes a great community companion.
Albino Corydoras (Corydoras aeneus): The Pearl White Bottom-Dweller for Your Aquarium
Albino Corydoras share many qualities with Corydoras aeneus because it’s a genetically modified variant of the species. Learn all the ways you can maintain vibrancy in their pale coloration and protect their sensitive eyesight.
Sterba’s Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai): The Spotted Elegance of Freshwater Aquariums
Checkout the benefits of having Corydoras sterbai in your community tank detailed in this comprehensive guide, including step-by-step tips on providing optimal care for this species and maximizing its lifespan.
True Julii Corydoras: The Spotted Gem of Freshwater Aquariums
Tips to help you identify true Corydoras julii and provide optimal care for maximizing its 5 – 7 years lifespan. In this comprehensive guide you will get Step by step breeding, tank setup, health, and much more tips for keeping this species successfully.
Gold Laser Corydoras (Corydoras sp. CW101): The Ultimate Guide to Care, Breeding & Tank Setup
Give your aquarium a some color with the Gold Laser Cory, a schooling bottom-dweller famous for its golden appearance, cheerful personality, substrate cleaning efficiency, and low maintenance.
Panda Corydoras: (Hoplisoma Panda): The Playful Bottom-Dweller for Your Aquarium
Panda Corydoras are a beginner-friendly bottom dweller perfect for your community aquarium. In this article you will be mesmerized by their synchronized swimming as we detail how to care for these lovable pet fish.
Hillstream Loach: The Graceful River Dweller for Your Aquarium
Discover the most popular Hillstream Loach species and how you can make them comfortable in your home aquarium while employing them as natural algae cleaners. This article will include the best maintenance, health, tank setup, breeding, and many other tips for your Gastromyzontid.
Peppered Cory Catfish (Corydoras Paleatus): The Speckled Bottom-Dweller for Every Aquarium
Did you know bottom-dwellers, like the Peppered Corydoras, can be engaging pets to keep in your aquarium? In this guide you will learn the best healthcare, tank setup, breeding, and much more tips for maintaining Peppered Corydoras in your aquarium.
Mexican Turbo Snails (Turbo fluctuosa): The Ultimate Cleanup Crew for Your Reef Tank
The colorful Mexican Turbo Snail, with its unique algae-eating efficiency is the ultimate reef-safe tank cleaner. This article will teach you how to create an environment conducive to giving your turbo snails a long, healthy life while they serve as a low-maintenance cleaning crew in your saltwater aquariums.
Nerite Snails (Neritina sp.): The Ultimate algae-Eating Champions for Aquariums
The small, peaceful and efficient algae-eating Nerite Snail is the secret to keeping your planted tanks clean without using chemicals! Learn these practical tips on Nerite care essentials for maximizing their lifespan.