Algae growth is a common concern for fish tank enthusiasts. The presence of excessive algae can not only be unsightly but also disrupt the delicate balance of the aquarium ecosystem. In order to maintain a healthy and thriving fish tank, it is important to understand what kills algae and how to effectively control its growth.
Lauren Philips
What Do Bettas Like In Their Tank?
Understanding the needs and preferences of betta fish when it comes to their tank is crucial for providing them a thriving and comfortable environment. In this article, we will explore the various aspects that bettas like in their tank and how you can create an ideal habitat for them.
How Much Does A 10 Gallon Fish Tank Weigh?
A 10 gallon fish tank is a popular choice among fish enthusiasts, whether you are a beginner or an experienced hobbyist. It offers a compact size that can fit in most spaces, while still providing a suitable environment for a variety of aquatic species. But have you ever wondered how much a 10 gallon fish tank actually weighs? In this article, we will detail the factors that determine its weight and provide you with an estimation of its total weight.
Why Is My Betta Fish Staying Still?
When it comes to betta fish, you may notice that they love to put on a colorful display with their flowing fins and vibrant colors. However, there might be times when you find your betta fish staying still, seemingly motionless. Before jumping to conclusions or worrying about your fish, it’s essential to understand their behavior and the potential reasons for their stillness.

Are Real Plants Good For Fish Tanks?
When it comes to setting up a new fish tank, the decision of whether or not to incorporate real plants is an important one. Real plants, also known as live plants, can bring a multitude of benefits to a fish tank environment. In this article, we will showcase the importance and advantages of having real plants in fish tanks, as well as provide tips on choosing and caring for them.
Does Baking Soda Raise PH In Aquarium?
Your aquarium’s pH level indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water and plays a crucial role in the overall health and well-being of the aquatic organisms residing in the tank. To help maintain stable pH levels, many aquarium enthusiasts turn to baking soda as a potential solution. In this article, we will explore the effects of baking soda on pH levels in aquariums and whether it raises pH as commonly believed.
What Can I Use To Clean A Fish Tank?
Keeping your fish tank clean is essential for the health and well-being of your fish. Regular cleaning not only helps maintain water quality but also ensures a visually appealing aquarium. But, what can you use to clean a fish tank effectively and safely? In this article, we’ll discuss various cleaning options and offer valuable tips to help you maintain a pristine fish tank.
What Size Tank Do Guppies Need?
When it comes to creating the perfect habitat for your guppies, one of the most important factors to consider is the size of their tank. Providing an appropriate tank size is vital for their overall health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the various factors that influence the ideal tank size for guppies and provide recommendations to ensure you create a comfortable and suitable environment for these lively and colorful fish.
How Do I Stop My Fish Tank From Smelling?
Having a fish tank can be a delightful addition to your home or office space. However, one common issue that many fish tank owners face is an unpleasant smell emanating from the tank. But fear not! In this article, we will explain the causes of fish tank odors and provide you with practical tips to prevent and eliminate them, ensuring a fresh and pleasant environment for your fish.
Can You Have 2 Beta Fish In One Tank?
It is a common misconception that betta fish can coexist peacefully in a shared habitat. However, the reality is that betta fish are highly territorial and known for their aggressive nature. In this article, we will detail the considerations and challenges of housing multiple betta fish together.