Aquanswers is a blog about freshwater and saltwater pets, where we share inspiration, tips, detailed research, & ideas for your aquarium. We have made MANY mistakes throughout our fishkeeping journey and thus learned A LOT of valuable lessons. Join in on our community of hobbyist to grow and Share Your Experiences!
Our Goal with AQUAnswers
We established in 2018 because we wanted to share our fish keeping experience and, most importantly, create a forum in which we not only help the aquarist community but we build a community that strives to HELP each other be better aquatic pet care takers.
What we strive to achieve with this website is to provide an encyclopedia with well-researched and correct advice for both beginner and advanced aquarists. And this encyclopedia will serve as a core building block for our community to rally around!
AQUAnswers covers all kinds of topics with the main focus on freshwater aquariums, saltwater fish, and reef tanks.
Occasionally, we will also write reviews about aquarium equipment in order to clear common misconceptions or help with guidance for whoever may need it.
Momchil Boyanov – Founder and Senior Editor

Momchil Boyanov is the Founder and now Senior Editor of He has over 13+ years of experience in keeping home aquariums. In the first 5 years, he only kept freshwater fish and the occasional high-tech planted tank. Later on, he transitioned to looking after saltwater aquariums and reef tanks.
Another thing you should know about Momchil is that at one point he was managing aquariums professionally!
Some of Momchil’s best articles:
- How To PERMANENTLY Get Rid Of Black Algae In Your Aquarium?
- Best LED Grow Lights for Explosive Aquarium Plant Growth & Color
- What is the Reef-Safe Ich Treatment for Fish in a Display Tank?
- Why is Your Betta Fish Having a Bloated Belly? – 10 Causes & Cures
You can browse through all of Momchil’s articles by visiting his author’s profile.
What quality standards does our content meet?
What helped us build our skills and confidence throughout the years was our ability to do proper unbiased research.
We are fairly obsessive when it comes to doing things the right way, so we made sure to learn as much as possible about keeping healthy pet fish, aquatic plants, and corals. Then we mastered how to disseminate that knowledge appropriately.
Though we rely on our expertise each time we write an article for AQUAnswers, we also make sure to do extensive additional research.
We go through books, discuss the subject with other experienced hobbyist to gather more information and try our best to back up our claims by citing what we assume to be reputable sources.
We believe that this way of quality writing benefits the readers of AQUAnswers the most.
What We’d ask of Our Readers?
Writing for AQUAnswers is hard work!
Though we have a burning passion for fish keeping, writing does take a considerable amount of our time and energy.
Some of our longer articles took nearly one month to put together.
For this reason, we would like to ask for some of our readers’ help:
If you’ve found anything that was really helpful to you on this website – share it! Share that article with your friends, aquarist communities, on Pinterest, Facebook, Reddit or your personal website.
AQUAnswers has its own Pinterest, Facebook page, and other socials too! You can check and follow all socials by following the links in our footer section below for some cool images and extra insights.
Anyway, if you need more answers or would like to request an aquarium-related topic to be covered – leave me a comment!
Sharing the information provided here helps me and AQUAnswers tremendously.
Keeping things going
This website and the concept behind it are possible thanks to you – our readers.
You should assume that most product links we leave are likely affiliated. This means that if you order through them we get a very small commission at no additional cost to you.
This helps to keep up to date and running.
We should also point out that we would never recommend aquarium gear that we don’t like or trust. We only include items that we think are best at what they do.
Contact Us Anytime
If you have a specific question related to one of the articles on Aquanswers, make sure to leave a comment in its comment section. It’s easier for us to answer comments, plus other readers will likely benefit from our discussion there.
We will try to answer any and all questions about aquarium husbandry or keeping fish in general.
If there’s anything else you’d like to talk about, please contact us at aquadmin[at]
We try to reply as quickly as possible to all of our readers’ emails but that generally depends on how many we’ve received that day.