22 Small Saltwater Aquarium Fish for a Spectacular NANO Tank

A small falco hawkfish

Looking to create a thriving underwater world within the confines of limited space? In this article, I’ll share my journey of navigating the challenges of selecting small yet vibrant saltwater fish for nano tanks. I’ve curated a list of 22 small saltwater aquarium fish that are perfect for your impressive nano tank. Join me as I unravel the unique characteristics and care tips for each of these miniature marvels!

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Identifying the White Spots That Appear on Fish (illustrated)

Discovering unusual white spots on your beloved aquarium fish can be alarming. Whether they manifest as small dots or large patches, these spots could indicate the presence of a common pathogenic parasite known as ich or ick. However, not all white spots are caused by this parasite. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various reasons behind these skin diseases affecting your fish, and potential cures.

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